Hello, Simon.

Please let me ask some more questions.

By applying these series of commits,
U-Boot's config file scheme and Kconfig coexist.

For example, scripts/Makefile.build includes
both auto.conf generated by Kconfig
and autoconf.mk derived from U-boot's config.

-include include/config/auto.conf
-include $(objtree)/include/config/autoconf.mk

I think the redundancy and dirtiness do not matter 
if they are temporary.

What I'd like to make clear is our goal.
It is intended to move all U-Boot's config files
to Kconfig over long time and
after that, delete U-Boot's config system.
Is this right?

If the answer is yes, there are some macros
I don't know how to port to Kconfig.

For example,
CONFIG_SYS_BAUDRATE_TABLE is defined like follows.

#define CONFIG_SYS_BAUDRATE_TABLE {9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200}

To my knowledge this macro can not be described by Kconfig.

Do you have any good idea about this?

And also, some config files still include macros without CONFIG_ prefix.

Best Regards,
Masahiro Yamada

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