This patch adds cros-ec related device nodes to exynos5250-snow.dts.
It also adds a gpio node to exynos5250.dtsi.

Signed-off-by: Hung-ying Tyan <>

Changes in v5:
- Change ec-interrupt gpio pin from 174 to 782. This has to be changed again
  after the GPIO pin numbering patches
  ( are in.

Changes in v4:
- Added commit message.

Changes in v3: None
Changes in v2:
- Added gpio node to exynos5250.dtsi.
- Dropped the period from commit subject.

 arch/arm/dts/exynos5250.dtsi          |  3 ++
 board/samsung/dts/exynos5250-snow.dts | 81 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 84 insertions(+)

diff --git a/arch/arm/dts/exynos5250.dtsi b/arch/arm/dts/exynos5250.dtsi
index 9c4e686..2d6dfff 100644
--- a/arch/arm/dts/exynos5250.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm/dts/exynos5250.dtsi
@@ -201,4 +201,7 @@
                reg = <0x12230000 0x1000>;
                interrupts = <0 78 0>;
+       gpio: gpio {
+       };
diff --git a/board/samsung/dts/exynos5250-snow.dts 
index 24658c1..d2ccc66 100644
--- a/board/samsung/dts/exynos5250-snow.dts
+++ b/board/samsung/dts/exynos5250-snow.dts
@@ -32,6 +32,33 @@
                spi4 = "/spi@131b0000";
+       i2c4: i2c@12ca0000 {
+               cros-ec@1e {
+                       reg = <0x1e>;
+                       compatible = "google,cros-ec";
+                       i2c-max-frequency = <100000>;
+                       ec-interrupt = <&gpio 782 1>;
+               };
+               power-regulator@48 {
+                       compatible = "ti,tps65090";
+                       reg = <0x48>;
+               };
+       };
+       spi@131b0000 {
+               spi-max-frequency = <1000000>;
+               spi-deactivate-delay = <100>;
+               cros-ec@0 {
+                       reg = <0>;
+                       compatible = "google,cros-ec";
+                       spi-max-frequency = <5000000>;
+                       ec-interrupt = <&gpio 782 1>;
+                       optimise-flash-write;
+                       status = "disabled";
+               };
+       };
        sound@12d60000 {
                samsung,i2s-epll-clock-frequency = <192000000>;
                samsung,i2s-sampling-rate = <48000>;
@@ -69,4 +96,58 @@
                samsung,dc-value        = <25>;
+       cros-ec-keyb {
+               compatible = "google,cros-ec-keyb";
+               google,key-rows = <8>;
+               google,key-columns = <13>;
+               google,repeat-delay-ms = <240>;
+               google,repeat-rate-ms = <30>;
+               google,ghost-filter;
+               /*
+                * Keymap entries take the form of 0xRRCCKKKK where
+                * RR=Row CC=Column KKKK=Key Code
+                * The values below are for a US keyboard layout and
+                * are taken from the Linux driver. Note that the
+                * 102ND key is not used for US keyboards.
+                */
+               linux,keymap = <
+                       /* CAPSLCK F1         B          F10     */
+                       0x0001003a 0x0002003b 0x00030030 0x00040044
+                       /* N       =          R_ALT      ESC     */
+                       0x00060031 0x0008000d 0x000a0064 0x01010001
+                       /* F4      G          F7         H       */
+                       0x0102003e 0x01030022 0x01040041 0x01060023
+                       /* '       F9         BKSPACE    L_CTRL  */
+                       0x01080028 0x01090043 0x010b000e 0x0200001d
+                       /* TAB     F3         T          F6      */
+                       0x0201000f 0x0202003d 0x02030014 0x02040040
+                       /* ]       Y          102ND      [       */
+                       0x0205001b 0x02060015 0x02070056 0x0208001a
+                       /* F8      GRAVE      F2         5       */
+                       0x02090042 0x03010029 0x0302003c 0x03030006
+                       /* F5      6          -          \       */
+                       0x0304003f 0x03060007 0x0308000c 0x030b002b
+                       /* R_CTRL  A          D          F       */
+                       0x04000061 0x0401001e 0x04020020 0x04030021
+                       /* S       K          J          ;       */
+                       0x0404001f 0x04050025 0x04060024 0x04080027
+                       /* L       ENTER      Z          C       */
+                       0x04090026 0x040b001c 0x0501002c 0x0502002e
+                       /* V       X          ,          M       */
+                       0x0503002f 0x0504002d 0x05050033 0x05060032
+                       /* L_SHIFT /          .          SPACE   */
+                       0x0507002a 0x05080035 0x05090034 0x050B0039
+                       /* 1       3          4          2       */
+                       0x06010002 0x06020004 0x06030005 0x06040003
+                       /* 8       7          0          9       */
+                       0x06050009 0x06060008 0x0608000b 0x0609000a
+                       /* L_ALT   DOWN       RIGHT      Q       */
+                       0x060a0038 0x060b006c 0x060c006a 0x07010010
+                       /* E       R          W          I       */
+                       0x07020012 0x07030013 0x07040011 0x07050017
+                       /* U       R_SHIFT    P          O       */
+                       0x07060016 0x07070036 0x07080019 0x07090018
+                       /* UP      LEFT    */
+                       0x070b0067 0x070c0069>;
+       };

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