On 21:49 Mon 30 Mar     , Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> Dear Dirk Behme,
> In message <49d11e7d.5030...@googlemail.com> you wrote:
> > 
> > >> http://lists.denx.de/pipermail/u-boot/2009-March/049762.html
> > >>
> > >> Please remove it from the pull request until everybody agreed
> > > this duplicated code 
> > 
> > It would be nice if you could give the exact file in which you found 
> > the other/original version of this code. As already mentioned I'd like 
> > to compare/review it.
> > 
> > > so I'll remove it anyway I do not want duplicated code
> > 
> > It would be nice if we could agree on a common way how to improve 
> > (remove?) this code. And not just "I'll remove it anyway". Sorry if I 
> > misunderstood this, but it could be understood as "I will remove it 
> > independent of what other people think and do".
> I have to admit that I, too, hesitated what that statement was
> supposed to mean. Jean-Christophe, it would really be nice to raise
> your complaints on the mailing list, and without too long delays, so
> we can discuss things.
It's simple I really hate duplicated that's all
so when I find copy&paste I remote it
> > > I'm not statisfy about this one I'm looking on an other implementation
> > > so this patch will wait a few more days
> > 
> > It would be nice if you could share your ideas/doubts/findings so that 
> > we can work together on improving this code.
> Again, I agree 100%. Jean-Christophe, please share your concerns on
> the mailing list, and without so long delays after the postings. It
> is not your job as a custodian to fix everything yourself. It is
> sufficient (and actually usualy much better, think for example about
> the long-term educational aspect) just to raise your concerns and ask
> the original poster to change things (or maybe he has good reasons
> for doing it this way, which you didn't see). But please keep such
> discussion on the mailing list, and without big delays.  Thanks.
I need to time to study a way to clean it up. Without necessarely implement it
I'm just bored by reading duplicated code everytime as the timer

So I need few days to study it

Best Regards,
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