Hi Michael,

On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 3:44 PM, Michael Heimpold <m...@heimpold.de> wrote:

> Sorry, but I think this is not correct. Please have a look
> at the reference manual for i.MX28 page 786:
> It seems that some pins have an internal pullup, but other
> pins "only" have the internal keeper you mentioned.
> Quote from :
> bank 0 pin 24: "Set this bit to one to _enable_ the internal pullup..."
> bank 0 pin 25: "Set this bit to one to _disable_ the internal keeper..."
> So I think the current implementation is correct.

Ok, I see.

mx23 does not have the "Set this bit to one to _enable_ the internal
pullup" option.

> However, if you are trying to enable a pullup for a pin which does not
> have this function (e.g. because the hardware guys trimmed the BOM
> and did not spend an external pullup) you are actually disabling the
> keeper which makes the situation even worse in some situations.
> I'm still wondering what an ideal solution could be...

So I plan to keep mx28 bits untouched and do the reverse definition
only for mx23:

#if defined CONFIG_MX28
#define PAD_PULLUP              1
#define PAD_NOPULL              0
#define PAD_PULLUP              0
#define PAD_NOPULL              1
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