> these seem more SOC specific than board specific.  Would likely be
> replicated per board, I'd suggest to move out of board specific file.


> this function is generic to the SOC, move out of board specific file and
> call with appropriate values or defines

-plus the other ones-

Well there is a SOC specific way to initialize DDR, config_ddr(…).

That was a question I had before sending the first version : whether to 
send a working version early without using this or to send a version 
later. Seems that you prefer the second option :).

>     +       /****  setup the initial levelinihg ratios ****/
> typo


>     +#ifdef CONFIG_TI816X_DDR3_SW_LEVELING
>     +       ddr3_sw_levelling(0);
>     +       ddr3_sw_levelling(1);
> call levelling code on both interfaces if only one EMIF is being used?
>   make conditional on USE_EMIF1

I'll do that.

> +/******************************************************************************
>     + * prcm_init() - inits clocks for PRCM as defined in clocks.h
>     +
> *****************************************************************************/
>     +void prcm_init(void)
>     +{
>     +       /* For future */
>     +       u32 clk_index = 0, sil_index = 0;
>     +
>     +       writel(0x2, 0x48200010);
> define a register name please

I'll do that.

>     +       /* Enable the control module */
>     +       writel(0x2, CM_ALWON_CONTROL_CLKCTRL);
>     +
>     +       /* Fix ROM code bug */
>     +       writel(0x0, 0x48180324);
> what bug?  define a register name

This is imported from implementation in the TI-PSP- vendor tree.
I'll find the register name.

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