Thanks Magnus,
How difficult or rather much an effort would it need to add NAND boot
support and make it work on MX35 or MX31 3stack board.
Are there any existing guidelines for accelerating the development or
is the generic uboot porting guidelines .

On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 1:52 PM, Magnus Lilja <> wrote:
> Hi
> 2009/3/27 alfred steele <>:
>> Hi All;
>> Is there an available port for  IMX31 3stack with NAND boot.
>> I am looking for a U-boot port  for IMX31 stack( which supports NAND boot.
>> The closest matches i know of as of now are as follows:
>> MX-31 ADS
>> MX-31 Phycore
>> Openmoko U-boot (Samsung processor though ARM) - This is the only one
>> on ARM which allows NAND boot.
>> I haven't digged up further so I am not sure at this point which
>> "port" would be a good enough one as a starting point if no existing
>> port exists.
> I would suggest using this patch as a base:
> Use the above and the review comments posted in February as input to your 
> work.
> It's for the phycore board but it's easy to apply this for the PDK.
> I've posted some PDK related patches, they should be on the mailing
> list server. The PDK patches aren't in mainline U-boot yet due to the
> missing NAND boot support.
> Regards, Magnus Lilja
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