On Apr 2, 2013, at 1:39 PM, Tom Rini <tr...@ti.com> wrote:

> We shall remove these OMAP4/5-specific options in v2013.07, barring
> insufficient progress on the kernel side.
> ...
> +Our expectation is that by v2013.07 a suitable kernel shall exist that       
> does not need these options set for a reasonable I/O set to function.

What, specifically, is meant by "a suitable kernel shall exist"? In practice, 
there's isn't a single such kernel version.

I'm currently using 3.0.8. That version most assuredly fails miserably without 
defining CONFIG_SYS_(CLOCKS|PADS)_ENABLE_ALL in u-boot. That kernel is part of 
the 3.0.x longterm lineage which as I write this is at 3.0.71.

Is there a belief that 3.0.71 would work without the legacy support? That 
upgrade wouldn't be too bad since kernel ABI changes are not generally done via 
patch level version changes. But forcing an update to 3.4.x, 3.8.x or even 
later just to keep current with u-boot is an entirely different thing.

I'm very worried if that's what's being proposed here as it would be very user 


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