>>>>> "Stephen" == Stephen Warren <swar...@wwwdotorg.org> writes:

 >> Hey all,
 >> I'm going to try this, rather than replying to N different short 
 >> patches.  The following have been applied to u-boot/master now,
 >> thanks all!

 Stephen> The downsides here are that:

 Stephen> a) The contributors aren't CC'd on this mail, so they might
 Stephen> not see it.

 Stephen> b) People searching list archives won't see any response in the
 Stephen> original thread, so the archives won't reflect the latest state.

 Stephen> But, it does avoid a bunch of separate emails, it's true.

Is that really a big concern considering the mail volume on u-boot@? I
prefer individual replies.

Bye, Peter Korsgaard
U-Boot mailing list

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