The first patch moves the tzpc_init file from smdk5250 to armv7/exynos.
The second makes tzpc_init common for exynos4 and exynos5. And the third
makes necessary changes to exynos4 based origen and smdkv310 boards.

The patchset has been tested on exynos4 based origen and exynos5 based
Arndale board.

Inderpal Singh (3):
  exynos: move tzpc_init to armv7/exynos
  exynos: update tzpc_init to make it common for exynos4 and exynos5
  exynos: Update origen and smdkv310 to use common tzpc_init

 arch/arm/cpu/armv7/exynos/Makefile      |    2 +-
 arch/arm/cpu/armv7/exynos/tzpc_init.c   |   57 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 arch/arm/cpu/armv7/s5p-common/Makefile  |    2 ++
 arch/arm/include/asm/arch-exynos/tzpc.h |   28 +++++++++++++++
 board/samsung/origen/lowlevel_init.S    |   44 ++---------------------
 board/samsung/origen/origen_setup.h     |   25 -------------
 board/samsung/smdk5250/Makefile         |    1 -
 board/samsung/smdk5250/lowlevel_init.S  |    2 ++
 board/samsung/smdk5250/setup.h          |   25 -------------
 board/samsung/smdk5250/tzpc_init.c      |   48 -------------------------
 board/samsung/smdkv310/lowlevel_init.S  |   60 ++-----------------------------
 include/configs/exynos5250-dt.h         |    2 --
 include/configs/origen.h                |    2 ++
 include/configs/smdkv310.h              |    2 ++
 spl/Makefile                            |    4 +++
 15 files changed, 102 insertions(+), 202 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 arch/arm/cpu/armv7/exynos/tzpc_init.c
 delete mode 100644 board/samsung/smdk5250/tzpc_init.c


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