Example board for LPC2468 support

Signed-off-by: Remco Poelstra <remco.poelstra+u-b...@duran-audio.com>
diff -upNr u-boot-orig/board/LPC2468/config.mk u-boot/board/LPC2468/config.mk
--- u-boot-orig/board/LPC2468/config.mk 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ u-boot/board/LPC2468/config.mk      2009-03-18 09:30:20.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# (C) Copyright 2000
+# Sysgo Real-Time Solutions, GmbH <www.elinos.com>
+# Marius Groeger <mgroe...@sysgo.de>
+# (C) Copyright 2000
+# Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering, w...@denx.de.
+# See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+# project.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+# MA 02111-1307 USA
+#address where u-boot will be relocated
+TEXT_BASE =  0xA1f80000
diff -upNr u-boot-orig/board/LPC2468/eth.c u-boot/board/LPC2468/eth.c
--- u-boot-orig/board/LPC2468/eth.c     1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ u-boot/board/LPC2468/eth.c  2009-03-18 15:33:31.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,694 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2009 Duran Audio B.V. <www.duran-audio.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * 18-03-2009 Updated for U-boot 2009.3 by Remco Poelstra 
+ * Based on sample code from NXP
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <common.h>
+#include <net.h>
+#include <asm/arch/hardware.h>
+ * Typedefs and defines
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#define MAX_PHY_INIT_RETRY 10
+#define OLD_EMAC_MODULE_ID  ((0x3902 << 16) | 0x2000)
+/* MAC registers and parameters */
+#define PCONP_EMAC_CLOCK    0x40000000
+#define SPEED_100           1
+#define SPEED_10            0
+#define FULL_DUPLEX         1
+#define HALF_DUPLEX         0
+#define EMAC_RAM_ADDR       0x7FE00000
+#define EMAC_RAM_SIZE       0x00004000
+//#define EMAC_TX_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT    0x0010
+//#define EMAC_RX_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT    0x0010
+ * (Rx|Tx)Descriptor ::
+ *   [4] packet  - base address of the buffer containing the data
+ *   [4] control - control information
+ */
+ * TxStatus ::
+ *   [4] status
+ */
+ * RxStatus ::
+ *   [4] status        - receive status flags
+ *   [4] statusHashCRC - concat of dest addr hash CRC and src addr CRC
+ */
+/* descriptors are placed at the end of the emac address space */
+#define EMAC_BLOCK_SIZE         0x600
+#define EMAC_TX_BLOCK_NUM       5
+#define EMAC_RX_BLOCK_NUM       5
+#define TOTAL_EMAC_BLOCK_NUM    10
+/* EMAC Descriptor TX and RX Control fields */
+#define EMAC_TX_DESC_INT        0x80000000
+#define EMAC_TX_DESC_LAST       0x40000000
+#define EMAC_TX_DESC_CRC        0x20000000
+#define EMAC_TX_DESC_PAD        0x10000000
+#define EMAC_TX_DESC_HUGE       0x08000000
+#define EMAC_TX_DESC_OVERRIDE   0x04000000
+#define EMAC_RX_DESC_INT        0x80000000
+/* EMAC Descriptor status related definition */
+#define TX_DESC_STATUS_ERR      0x80000000
+#define TX_DESC_STATUS_NODESC   0x40000000
+#define TX_DESC_STATUS_UNDERRUN 0x20000000
+#define TX_DESC_STATUS_LCOL     0x10000000
+#define TX_DESC_STATUS_ECOL     0x08000000
+#define TX_DESC_STATUS_EDEFER   0x04000000
+#define TX_DESC_STATUS_DEFER    0x02000000
+#define TX_DESC_STATUS_COLCNT   0x01E00000     /* four bits, it's a mask, not 
exact count */
+#define RX_DESC_STATUS_ERR      0x80000000
+#define RX_DESC_STATUS_LAST     0x40000000
+#define RX_DESC_STATUS_NODESC   0x20000000
+#define RX_DESC_STATUS_OVERRUN  0x10000000
+#define RX_DESC_STATUS_ALGNERR  0x08000000
+#define RX_DESC_STATUS_RNGERR   0x04000000
+#define RX_DESC_STATUS_LENERR   0x02000000
+#define RX_DESC_STATUS_SYMERR   0x01000000
+#define RX_DESC_STATUS_CRCERR   0x00800000
+#define RX_DESC_STATUS_BCAST    0x00400000
+#define RX_DESC_STATUS_MCAST    0x00200000
+#define RX_DESC_STATUS_FAILFLT  0x00100000
+#define RX_DESC_STATUS_VLAN     0x00080000
+#define RX_DESC_STATUS_CTLFRAM  0x00040000
+#define DESC_SIZE_MASK          0x000007FF     /* 11 bits for both TX and RX */
+/* EMAC interrupt controller related definition */
+#define EMAC_INT_RXOVERRUN  0x01 << 0
+#define EMAC_INT_RXERROR    0x01 << 1
+#define EMAC_INT_RXFINISHED 0x01 << 2
+#define EMAC_INT_RXDONE     0x01 << 3
+#define EMAC_INT_TXUNDERRUN 0x01 << 4
+#define EMAC_INT_TXERROR    0x01 << 5
+#define EMAC_INT_TXFINISHED 0x01 << 6
+#define EMAC_INT_TXDONE     0x01 << 7
+#define EMAC_INT_SOFTINT    0x01 << 12
+#define EMAC_INT_WOL        0x01 << 13
+/* Micrel KSZ8001 PHY related registers */
+/* PHY_ADDR, by default, AD0 has pull-up, AD1~4 have pull-downs,
+so, the default address is 0x0001 */
+//#define PHY_ADDR        (0x0000 << 8)   /* in MAC_MADR, bit 8~12 */
+static volatile int phyAddr = 0x1000;
+#define NATIONAL_PHY    0
+#define MICREL_PHY      1
+static volatile int phyType = MICREL_PHY;
+#define PHY_BMCR        0x0000
+#define PHY_BMSR        0x0001
+#define PHY_PHYIDR1     0x0002
+#define PHY_PHYIDR2     0x0003
+#define PHY_ANAR        0x0004
+#define PHY_ANLPAR      0x0005
+#define PHY_ANLPARNP    0x0005
+#define PHY_ANER        0x0006
+#define PHY_ANNPTR      0x0007
+/* BMCR setting */
+#define BMCR_RESET          0x8000
+#define BMCR_LOOPBACK       0x4000
+#define BMCR_SPEED_100      0x2000
+#define BMCR_AN             0x1000
+#define BMCR_POWERDOWN      0x0800
+#define BMCR_ISOLATE        0x0400
+#define BMCR_RE_AN          0x0200
+#define BMCR_DUPLEX         0x0100
+/* BMSR setting */
+#define BMSR_100BE_T4       0x8000
+#define BMSR_100TX_FULL     0x4000
+#define BMSR_100TX_HALF     0x2000
+#define BMSR_10BE_FULL      0x1000
+#define BMSR_10BE_HALF      0x0800
+#define BMSR_AUTO_DONE      0x0020
+#define BMSR_REMOTE_FAULT   0x0010
+#define BMSR_NO_AUTO        0x0008
+#define BMSR_LINK_ESTABLISHED   0x0004
+#define MII_BMSR_TIMEOUT    0x1000000
+#define CMD_RX_ENABLE 0x01
+#define CMD_TX_ENABLE 0x02
+#define CMD_PASS_RX_FILTER 0x80
+#ifndef IRQ_EXT3
+#define m_nic_bfs(reg, data)  reg |= (data)
+#define m_nic_bfc(reg, data)  reg &= ~(data)
+#define printk printf
+#define m_nic_read(reg) (*(volatile unsigned long *)(reg))
+#define m_nic_write(reg, data) ((*(volatile unsigned long *)(reg)) = (volatile 
unsigned long)(data))
+ * Local variables
+ *****************************************************************************/
+//static struct eth_device _dev_emac;
+static volatile u32 emacDuplex;
+static volatile u32 emacSpeed;
+static unsigned char macAddr[6];
+static int opened = 0;
+ * Local functions
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void writePhy(u32 phyReg, u32 phyData)
+       // write command
+       MAC_MCMD = 0x0000;
+       // [12:8] == PHY addr, [4:0]=0x00(BMCR) register addr
+       MAC_MADR = (phyAddr | phyReg);
+       MAC_MWTD = phyData;
+       while (MAC_MIND != 0) ;
+static u32 readPhy(u32 phyReg)
+       // read command
+       MAC_MCMD = 0x0001;
+       // [12:8] == PHY addr, [4:0]=0x00(BMCR) register addr
+       MAC_MADR = (phyAddr | phyReg);
+       while (MAC_MIND != 0) ;
+       MAC_MCMD = 0x0000;
+       return MAC_MRDD;
+static int emac_start_xmit(volatile void *buf, int length)
+       u32 txProduceIndex = 0;
+       u32 txConsumeIndex = 0;
+       u8 *pData = 0;
+       u32 len = length;       //skb->len;
+       u32 sendLen = 0;
+       u32 *tx_desc_addr = NULL;
+       txProduceIndex = MAC_TXPRODUCEINDEX;
+       txConsumeIndex = MAC_TXCONSUMEINDEX;
+//  printf("emac_start_xmit: pIdx = %d, cIdx=%d\n",
+//               txProduceIndex, txConsumeIndex);
+       if (txConsumeIndex != txProduceIndex) {
+               // TODO why return here? This just means that the transmit 
array isn't empty
+               printk("emac: emac_tx transmit array isn't empty\n");
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (txProduceIndex == EMAC_TX_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT) {
+               // should never happen
+               // TODO remove
+               printk("emac: emac_tx produce index == count\n");
+       }
+       if (len > 0) {
+               pData = (u8 *) EMAC_TX_BUFFER_ADDR;
+               memcpy(pData, (void *)buf, length);
+               do {
+                       tx_desc_addr =
+                           (u32 *) (TX_DESCRIPTOR_ADDR + txProduceIndex * 8);
+                       sendLen = len;
+                       if (sendLen > EMAC_BLOCK_SIZE) {
+                               sendLen = EMAC_BLOCK_SIZE;
+                       } else {
+                               // last fragment
+                               sendLen |= EMAC_TX_DESC_LAST;
+                       }
+                       m_nic_write(tx_desc_addr, (u32) pData);
+                       tx_desc_addr++;
+                       m_nic_write(tx_desc_addr,
+                                   (u32) (EMAC_TX_DESC_INT | (sendLen - 1)));
+                       txProduceIndex++;
+                       if (txProduceIndex == EMAC_TX_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT) {
+                               txProduceIndex = 0;
+                       }
+                       MAC_TXPRODUCEINDEX = txProduceIndex;
+                       len -= (sendLen & ~EMAC_TX_DESC_LAST);
+                       pData += (sendLen & ~EMAC_TX_DESC_LAST);
+               } while (len > 0);
+       }
+       return 0;
+static void emac_rx(void)
+       u32 rxProduceIndex = 0;
+       u32 rxConsumeIndex = 0;
+       u32 *rxStatusAddr = 0;
+       u32 recvSize = 0;
+       u32 *recvAddr = 0;
+       /* the input parameter, EMCBuf, needs to be word aligned */
+       rxProduceIndex = MAC_RXPRODUCEINDEX;
+       rxConsumeIndex = MAC_RXCONSUMEINDEX;
+       // consume the received packets
+       while (rxConsumeIndex != rxProduceIndex) {
+               rxStatusAddr = (u32 *) (RX_STATUS_ADDR + rxConsumeIndex * 8);
+               recvSize = m_nic_read(rxStatusAddr);
+               if ((recvSize & RX_DESC_STATUS_LAST) == 0) {
+                       // TODO: could this occur when EMAC_BLOCK_SIZE == 
+                       printk("emac_rx: NOT LAST fragment\n");
+               }
+               recvSize = (recvSize & DESC_SIZE_MASK) + 1;
+               recvAddr = (u32 *) (RX_DESCRIPTOR_ADDR + rxConsumeIndex * 8);
+               // TODO: allocate buffer?
+               NetReceive((uchar *) (m_nic_read(recvAddr) /*inBuf */ ),
+                          recvSize);
+               rxConsumeIndex++;
+               if (rxConsumeIndex == EMAC_RX_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT) {
+                       rxConsumeIndex = 0;
+               }
+               MAC_RXCONSUMEINDEX = rxConsumeIndex;
+       }
+static void emac_interrupt(void)
+       //struct net_device *dev = dev_id;
+//  struct eth_device* dev = &_dev_emac;
+       volatile u32 regValue = 0;
+       regValue = MAC_INTSTATUS;
+       do {
+               if (regValue == 0) {
+                       break;
+               }
+               if (regValue & EMAC_INT_RXOVERRUN) {
+                       MAC_INTCLEAR = EMAC_INT_RXOVERRUN;
+                       printk("rxOverrun\n");
+                       break;
+               }
+               if (regValue & EMAC_INT_RXERROR) {
+                       MAC_INTCLEAR = EMAC_INT_RXERROR;
+            {
+                u32 rxConsumeIndex = m_nic_read(EMAC_RXCONSUMEINDEX);
+                u32* rxStatusAddr = (tU32*)(RX_STATUS_ADDR + rxConsumeIndex * 
+                u32 val = m_nic_read(rxStatusAddr);
+                printf("val = %x\n", val);
+            }
+                       //break;
+               }
+               if (regValue & EMAC_INT_RXFINISHED) {
+                       MAC_INTCLEAR = EMAC_INT_RXFINISHED;
+               }
+               if (regValue & EMAC_INT_RXDONE) {
+                       MAC_INTCLEAR = EMAC_INT_RXDONE;
+                       emac_rx();
+               }
+               if (regValue & EMAC_INT_TXUNDERRUN) {
+                       printf("TX underrun\n");
+                       MAC_INTCLEAR = EMAC_INT_TXUNDERRUN;
+                       break;
+               }
+               if (regValue & EMAC_INT_TXERROR) {
+                       printf("TX err\n");
+                       MAC_INTCLEAR = EMAC_INT_TXERROR;
+                       break;
+               }
+               if (regValue & EMAC_INT_TXFINISHED) {
+                       MAC_INTCLEAR = EMAC_INT_TXFINISHED;
+               }
+               if (regValue & EMAC_INT_TXDONE) {
+                       MAC_INTCLEAR = EMAC_INT_TXDONE;
+               }
+       } while (0);
+static int emac_open(void)
+       opened = 1;
+       // enable Rx & Tx
+       m_nic_bfs(MAC_COMMAND, CMD_RX_ENABLE);
+       m_nic_bfs(MAC_COMMAND, CMD_TX_ENABLE);
+       m_nic_bfs(MAC_COMMAND, CMD_PASS_RX_FILTER);
+       m_nic_bfs(MAC_MAC1, 0x01);
+       return 0;
+//static int emac_close(struct net_device *dev)
+static void emac_close(void)
+       opened = 0;
+       // disable Rx6 Tx
+       m_nic_bfc(MAC_COMMAND, CMD_RX_ENABLE);
+       m_nic_bfc(MAC_COMMAND, CMD_TX_ENABLE);
+       m_nic_bfc(MAC_MAC1, 0x01);
+static int phyInit(void)
+       int i = 0;
+       u32 regValue = 0;
+       u32 timeout = 0;
+       MAC_MCFG = 0x801C;      /* host clock divided by 28, no suppress 
preamble, no scan increment */
+       for (i = 0; i < 0x40; i++)
+               asm volatile ("  nop");
+       // MII Mgmt. Divided by 28.
+       MAC_MCFG = 0x001C;
+       MAC_MCMD = 0;
+       for (i = 0; i < 0x100; i++)
+               asm volatile ("  nop");
+       /*Reset the PHY */
+       writePhy(PHY_BMCR, BMCR_RESET);
+       udelay(100);
+       timeout = MII_BMSR_TIMEOUT * 4;
+       while (timeout != 0) {
+               regValue = readPhy(PHY_BMCR);
+               if ((regValue & BMCR_RESET) == 0x0000) {
+                       // reset bit has been cleared
+                       break;
+               }
+               timeout--;
+       }
+       if (timeout == 0) {
+               printk("  Error: phyInit failed to reset PHY\n");
+               return -1;
+       }
+       // check PHY IDs.
+       phyAddr = 0x1000;
+//  printf("BMCR: %x\n",readPhy(PHY_BMCR));
+       return 0;
+static void emacTxDescriptorInit(void)
+       int i = 0;
+       u32 *txDescAddr = NULL;
+       u32 *txStatusAddr = NULL;
+       // base address of tx descriptor array
+       // base address of tx status
+       // number of tx descriptors
+       for (i = 0; i < EMAC_TX_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT; i++) {
+               txDescAddr = (u32 *) (TX_DESCRIPTOR_ADDR + i * 8);
+               m_nic_write(txDescAddr,
+                           (EMAC_TX_BUFFER_ADDR + i * EMAC_BLOCK_SIZE));
+               // control field in descriptor
+               txDescAddr++;
+               m_nic_write(txDescAddr,
+                           (EMAC_TX_DESC_INT | (EMAC_BLOCK_SIZE - 1)));
+       }
+       for (i = 0; i < EMAC_TX_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT; i++) {
+               txStatusAddr = (u32 *) (TX_STATUS_ADDR + i * 4);
+               // set status info to 0
+               m_nic_write(txStatusAddr, 0);
+       }
+static void emacRxDescriptorInit(void)
+       int i;
+       u32 *rxDescAddr = NULL;
+       u32 *rxStatusAddr = NULL;
+       // base address of rx descriptor array
+       // base address of rx status
+       // number of rx descriptors
+       for (i = 0; i < EMAC_RX_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT; i++) {
+               rxDescAddr = (u32 *) (RX_DESCRIPTOR_ADDR + i * 8);
+               m_nic_write(rxDescAddr,
+                           (EMAC_RX_BUFFER_ADDR + i * EMAC_BLOCK_SIZE));
+               rxDescAddr++;
+               m_nic_write(rxDescAddr,
+                           (EMAC_RX_DESC_INT |
+                            ((EMAC_BLOCK_SIZE - 1) & DESC_SIZE_MASK)));
+       }
+       for (i = 0; i < EMAC_RX_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT; i++) {
+               // RX status, two words, status info. and status hash CRC.
+               rxStatusAddr = (u32 *) (RX_STATUS_ADDR + i * 8);
+               m_nic_write(rxStatusAddr, 0);
+               rxStatusAddr++;
+               m_nic_write(rxStatusAddr, 0);
+       }
+static int emacInit(void)
+       int i = 0;
+       // turn on the ethernet MAC clock in PCONP, bit 30
+       m_nic_bfs(PCONP, PCONP_EMAC_CLOCK);
+   * write to PINSEL2/3 to select the PHY functions on P1[17:0]
+       /* documentation needs to be updated */
+       PINSEL2 = 0x55555555;   /* selects P1[0,1,4,8,9,10,14,15] */
+       PINSEL3 = 0x00000005;   /* selects P1[17:16] */
+       // reset MAC modules, tx, mcs_tx, rx, mcs_rx, simulation and soft reset
+       MAC_MAC1 = 0xCF00;
+       // reset datapaths and host registers
+       MAC_COMMAND = 0x0038;
+       // short delay after reset
+       for (i = 0; i < 0x40; i++)
+               asm volatile ("  nop");
+       //Remove reset conditions
+       MAC_MAC1 = 0x0;
+       // disable Tx
+       m_nic_bfc(MAC_COMMAND, CMD_TX_ENABLE);
+       // disable Rx
+       m_nic_bfc(MAC_COMMAND, CMD_RX_ENABLE);
+       // initialize MAC2 to default value
+       // TODO don't thinkt this is necessary??  m_nic_write(EMAC_MAC2, 0x0);
+       MAC_MAC2 = 0x030;
+       // non back-to-back Inter-Packet-Gap register
+       // The manual recommends the value 0x12
+       MAC_IPGR = 0x12;
+       // collision window/retry register. Using recommended value from manual.
+       MAC_CLRT = 0x370F;
+       // intialize PHY. emacSpeed and emacDuplex will be set in phyInit
+       if (phyInit() < 0)
+               return -1;
+       // write the mac address
+       MAC_SA0 = (macAddr[5] << 8 | macAddr[4]);
+       MAC_SA1 = (macAddr[3] << 8 | macAddr[2]);
+       MAC_SA2 = (macAddr[1] << 8 | macAddr[0]);
+       printk("emac: MAC address = %2x:%2x:%2x:%2x:%2x:%2x\n", macAddr[0],
+              macAddr[1], macAddr[2], macAddr[3], macAddr[4], macAddr[5]);
+       emacTxDescriptorInit();
+       emacRxDescriptorInit();
+       // pass all receive frames
+       m_nic_bfs(MAC_MAC1, 0x002);
+       // set up the Rx filter
+       // [0]-AllUnicast, [1]-AllBroadCast, [2]-AllMulticast, [3]-UnicastHash
+       // [4]-MulticastHash, [5]-Perfect, [12]-MagicPacketEnWoL, 
+       MAC_RXFILTERCTRL = 0x003F;      //Pass everything
+       // clear all interrupts
+       MAC_INTCLEAR = 0xFFFF;
+       // TODO the irq is installed here in sample code !!
+       // enable interrupts (not SoftInt and WoL)
+       MAC_INTENABLE = 0x00FF;
+       return 0;
+/* ##############################
+ * u-boot interface
+ * ##############################
+ */
+static int eth_initialized = 0;
+ * Returns 0 when failes otherwise 1
+ */
+int eth_init(bd_t * bis)
+       int ret;
+       if (!eth_initialized) {
+               if (!eth_getenv_enetaddr("ethaddr", macAddr)) {
+                       printf("Failed to get MAC address from environment\n");
+                       return 1;
+               }
+               ret = emacInit();
+               if (ret != 0) {
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               eth_initialized = 1;
+       }
+       emac_open();
+       return 0;
+int eth_send(volatile void *packet, int length)
+       emac_start_xmit(packet, length);
+       return 0;
+ * Check for received packets. Call NetReceive for each packet. The return
+ * value is ignored by the caller.
+ */
+int eth_rx(void)
+       emac_interrupt();
+       return 0;
+void eth_halt(void)
+       emac_close();
diff -upNr u-boot-orig/board/LPC2468/flash.c u-boot/board/LPC2468/flash.c
--- u-boot-orig/board/LPC2468/flash.c   1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ u-boot/board/LPC2468/flash.c        2009-03-18 15:32:37.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2006 Embedded Artists AB <www.embeddedartists.com>
+ *
+ * (C) Copyright 2009 Duran Audio B.V. <www.duran-audio.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * 18-03-2009 Updated for U-boot 2009.3 by Remco Poelstra 
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <asm/arch/hardware.h>
+#define SST_BASEADDR 0x80000000
+#define SST_ADDR1 ((volatile ushort*)(SST_BASEADDR + (0x5555<<1)))
+#define SST_ADDR2 ((volatile ushort*)(SST_BASEADDR + (0x2AAA<<1)))
+flash_info_t flash_info[CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_BANKS];
+extern void iap_entry(unsigned long *command, unsigned long *result);
+extern int lpc24xx_copy_buffer_to_flash(flash_info_t *, ulong);
+extern int lpc24xx_flash_erase(flash_info_t *, int, int);
+extern int lpc24xx_write_buff(flash_info_t *, uchar *, ulong, ulong);
+ *
+ */
+void write_word_sst(ulong addr, ushort data)
+       ushort tmp;
+       *SST_ADDR1 = 0x00AA;
+       *SST_ADDR2 = 0x0055;
+       *SST_ADDR1 = 0x00A0;
+       *((volatile ushort *)addr) = data;
+       /* do data polling */
+       do {
+               tmp = *((volatile ushort *)addr);
+       } while (tmp != data);
+ */
+ulong flash_init(void)
+       int j, k;
+       ulong size = 0;
+       ulong flashbase = 0;
+       flash_info[0].flash_id = (PHILIPS_LPC2468 & FLASH_VENDMASK);
+       flash_info[0].size = 0x007D000; /* 512 - 12 KB */
+       flash_info[0].sector_count = 27;
+       memset(flash_info[0].protect, 0, 27);
+       flashbase = 0x00000000;
+       for (j = 0, k = 0; j < 8; j++, k++) {
+               flash_info[0].start[k] = flashbase;
+               flashbase += 0x00001000;
+       }
+       for (j = 0; j < 14; j++, k++) {
+               flash_info[0].start[k] = flashbase;
+               flashbase += 0x00008000;
+       }
+       for (j = 0; j < 5; j++, k++) {
+               flash_info[0].start[k] = flashbase;
+               flashbase += 0x00001000;
+       }
+       size += flash_info[0].size;
+       flash_info[1].flash_id = (SST_MANUFACT & FLASH_VENDMASK);
+       flash_info[1].size = 0x00400000;        /* 4 MB */
+       flash_info[1].sector_count = 1024;
+       memset(flash_info[1].protect, 0, 1024);
+       flashbase = SST_BASEADDR;
+       for (j = 0; j < 1024; j++) {
+               flash_info[1].start[j] = flashbase;
+               flashbase += 0x1000;    /* 4 KB sectors */
+       }
+       size += flash_info[1].size;
+       /* Protect monitor and environment sectors */
+       flash_protect(FLAG_PROTECT_SET,
+                     0x0, 0x0 + monitor_flash_len - 1, &flash_info[0]);
+       flash_protect(FLAG_PROTECT_SET,
+                     CONFIG_ENV_ADDR,
+                     CONFIG_ENV_ADDR + CONFIG_ENV_SIZE - 1, &flash_info[0]);
+       return size;
+ */
+void flash_print_info(flash_info_t * info)
+       int i;
+       int erased = 0;
+       unsigned long j;
+       unsigned long count;
+       unsigned char *p;
+       switch (info->flash_id & FLASH_VENDMASK) {
+               printf("SST: ");
+               break;
+       case (PHILIPS_LPC2468 & FLASH_VENDMASK):
+               printf("Philips: ");
+               break;
+       default:
+               printf("Unknown Vendor ");
+               break;
+       }
+       printf("  Size: %ld KB in %d Sectors\n",
+              info->size >> 10, info->sector_count);
+       printf("  Sector Start Addresses:");
+       for (i = 0; i < info->sector_count; i++) {
+               if ((i % 5) == 0) {
+                       printf("\n   ");
+               }
+               if (i < (info->sector_count - 1)) {
+                       count = info->start[i + 1] - info->start[i];
+               } else {
+                       count = info->start[0] + info->size - info->start[i];
+               }
+               p = (unsigned char *)(info->start[i]);
+               erased = 1;
+               for (j = 0; j < count; j++) {
+                       if (*p != 0xFF) {
+                               erased = 0;
+                               break;
+                       }
+                       p++;
+               }
+               printf(" %08lX%s%s", info->start[i],
+                      info->protect[i] ? " RO" : "   ", erased ? " E" : "  ");
+       }
+       printf("\n");
+int flash_erase_sst(flash_info_t * info, int s_first, int s_last)
+       int i;
+       for (i = s_first; i <= s_last; i++) {
+               *SST_ADDR1 = 0x00AA;
+               *SST_ADDR2 = 0x0055;
+               *SST_ADDR1 = 0x0080;
+               *SST_ADDR1 = 0x00AA;
+               *SST_ADDR2 = 0x0055;
+               *((volatile ushort *)(info->start[i])) = 0x0030;
+               /* wait for erase to finish */
+               udelay(25000);
+       }
+       return ERR_OK;
+int flash_erase(flash_info_t * info, int s_first, int s_last)
+       switch (info->flash_id & FLASH_VENDMASK) {
+               return flash_erase_sst(info, s_first, s_last);
+       case (PHILIPS_LPC2468 & FLASH_VENDMASK):
+               return lpc24xx_flash_erase(info, s_first, s_last);
+       default:
+               return ERR_PROTECTED;
+       }
+       return ERR_PROTECTED;
+ * Copy memory to flash.
+ *
+ * cnt is in bytes
+ */
+int write_buff_sst(flash_info_t * info, uchar * src, ulong addr, ulong cnt)
+       ushort tmp;
+       ulong i;
+       uchar *src_org;
+       uchar *dst_org;
+       ulong cnt_org = cnt;
+       int ret = ERR_OK;
+       src_org = src;
+       dst_org = (uchar *) addr;
+       if (addr & 1) {         /* if odd address */
+               tmp = *((uchar *) (addr - 1));  /* little endian */
+               tmp |= (*src << 8);
+               write_word_sst(addr - 1, tmp);
+               addr += 1;
+               cnt -= 1;
+               src++;
+       }
+       while (cnt > 1) {
+               tmp = ((*(src + 1)) << 8) + (*src);     /* little endian */
+               write_word_sst(addr, tmp);
+               addr += 2;
+               src += 2;
+               cnt -= 2;
+       }
+       if (cnt > 0) {
+               tmp = (*((uchar *) (addr + 1))) << 8;
+               tmp |= *src;
+               write_word_sst(addr, tmp);
+       }
+       for (i = 0; i < cnt_org; i++) {
+               if (*dst_org != *src_org) {
+                       printf("Write failed. Byte %lX differs\n", i);
+                       ret = ERR_PROG_ERROR;
+                       break;
+               }
+               dst_org++;
+               src_org++;
+       }
+       return ret;
+int write_buff(flash_info_t * info, uchar * src, ulong addr, ulong cnt)
+       switch (info->flash_id & FLASH_VENDMASK) {
+               return write_buff_sst(info, src, addr, cnt);
+       case (PHILIPS_LPC2468 & FLASH_VENDMASK):
+               return lpc24xx_write_buff(info, src, addr, cnt);
+       default:
+               return ERR_PROG_ERROR;
+       }
+       return ERR_PROG_ERROR;
diff -upNr u-boot-orig/board/LPC2468/lowlevel_init.c 
--- u-boot-orig/board/LPC2468/lowlevel_init.c   1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 
+++ u-boot/board/LPC2468/lowlevel_init.c        2009-03-18 15:35:21.000000000 
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2006-2007 Embedded Artists AB <www.embeddedartists.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <version.h>
+#include <exports.h>
+#include <asm/arch/hardware.h>
+#include <asm/hardware.h>
+ * Defines, macros, and typedefs
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#define        USE_USB                                 1
+#define PLL_MValue             (CONFIG_PLL_MVALUE-1)
+#define PLL_NValue             (CONFIG_PLL_NVALUE-1)
+#define CCLKDivValue           (CONFIG_PLL_CLKDIV-1)
+#define USBCLKDivValue         (CONFIG_PLL_USBCLKDIV-1)
+#define Fcclk  (Fcco / CONFIG_PLL_CLKDIV)
+#define Fpclk  (Fcclk / CONFIG_FPCLK_DIV)
+#define MAM_SETTING  1         /* 0=disabled,
+                                  1=partly enabled (enabled for code prefetch, 
but not for data),
+                                  2=fully enabled */
+#define MEM_MAP 2              /* When executing from RAM, MAM_MAP should 
always be 2 */
+#define SDRAM_BASE_ADDR 0xA0000000
+#define m_reg_write(reg,data) ((*(volatile unsigned long *)(reg)) = (volatile 
unsigned long)(data))
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *    Delay execution by a specified number of milliseconds by using
+ *    timer #1. A polled implementation.
+ *
+ * Params:
+ *    [in] delayInMs - the number of milliseconds to delay.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+void delayMs(unsigned short delayInMs)
+       /*
+        * setup timer #1 for delay
+        */
+       T1TCR = 0x02;           //stop and reset timer
+       T1PR = 0x00;            //set prescaler to zero
+       T1MR0 = delayInMs * (Fpclk / 1000);
+       T1IR = 0xff;            //reset all interrrupt flags
+       T1MCR = 0x04;           //stop timer on match
+       T1TCR = 0x01;           //start timer
+       //wait until delay time has elapsed
+       while (T1TCR & 0x01)
+                ;
+** Function name:              GPIOinit
+** Descriptions:               Sets all GPIO ports to a known state
+** parameters:                 None
+** Returned value:     None
+static void GPIOinit(void)
+       PINSEL0 = 0;
+       PINSEL1 = 0;
+       PINSEL2 = 0;
+       PINSEL3 = 0;
+       PINSEL4 = 0;
+       PINSEL5 = 0;
+       PINSEL6 = 0;
+       PINSEL7 = 0;
+       PINSEL8 = 0;
+       PINSEL9 = 0;
+       PINSEL10 = 0;
+       IODIR0 = 0;
+       IODIR1 = 0;
+       IOSET0 = 0xffffffff;
+       IOSET1 = 0xffffffff;
+       FIO0DIR = 0;
+       FIO1DIR = 0;
+       FIO2DIR = 0;
+       FIO3DIR = 0;
+       FIO4DIR = 0;
+       FIO0SET = 0xffffffff;
+       FIO1SET = 0xffffffff;
+       FIO2SET = 0xffffffff;
+       FIO3SET = 0x0;
+       FIO4SET = 0xffffffff;
+** Function name:              VICinit
+** Descriptions:               Initialize the VIC to a known state
+** parameters:                 None
+** Returned value:     None
+static void VICinit(void)
+       //initialize VIC
+       VICIntEnClr = 0xFFFFFFFF;       /* Disable ALL interrupts               
+       VICProtection = 0;      /* Setup interrupt controller                   
+       VICVectAddr = 0;
+       VICIntSelect = 0;
+       VICVectAddr0 = (unsigned int)0; /* Set the vector address               
+       VICVectAddr1 = (unsigned int)0; /* Set the vector address               
+       VICVectAddr2 = (unsigned int)0; /* Set the vector address               
+       VICVectAddr3 = (unsigned int)0; /* Set the vector address               
+       VICVectAddr4 = (unsigned int)0; /* Set the vector address               
+       VICVectAddr5 = (unsigned int)0; /* Set the vector address               
+       VICVectAddr6 = (unsigned int)0; /* Set the vector address               
+       VICVectAddr7 = (unsigned int)0; /* Set the vector address               
+       VICVectAddr8 = (unsigned int)0; /* Set the vector address               
+       VICVectAddr9 = (unsigned int)0; /* Set the vector address               
+       VICVectAddr10 = (unsigned int)0;        /* Set the vector address       
+       VICVectAddr11 = (unsigned int)0;        /* Set the vector address       
+       VICVectAddr12 = (unsigned int)0;        /* Set the vector address       
+       VICVectAddr13 = (unsigned int)0;        /* Set the vector address       
+       VICVectAddr14 = (unsigned int)0;        /* Set the vector address       
+       VICVectAddr15 = (unsigned int)0;        /* Set the vector address       
+       VICVectAddr16 = (unsigned int)0;        /* Set the vector address       
+       VICVectAddr17 = (unsigned int)0;        /* Set the vector address       
+       VICVectAddr18 = (unsigned int)0;        /* Set the vector address       
+       VICVectAddr19 = (unsigned int)0;        /* Set the vector address       
+       VICVectAddr20 = (unsigned int)0;        /* Set the vector address       
+       VICVectAddr21 = (unsigned int)0;        /* Set the vector address       
+       VICVectAddr22 = (unsigned int)0;        /* Set the vector address       
+       VICVectAddr23 = (unsigned int)0;        /* Set the vector address       
+       VICVectAddr24 = (unsigned int)0;        /* Set the vector address       
+       VICVectAddr25 = (unsigned int)0;        /* Set the vector address       
+       VICVectAddr26 = (unsigned int)0;        /* Set the vector address       
+       VICVectAddr27 = (unsigned int)0;        /* Set the vector address       
+       VICVectAddr28 = (unsigned int)0;        /* Set the vector address       
+       VICVectAddr29 = (unsigned int)0;        /* Set the vector address       
+       VICVectAddr30 = (unsigned int)0;        /* Set the vector address       
+       VICVectAddr31 = (unsigned int)0;        /* Set the vector address       
+       VICVectCntl0 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl1 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl2 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl3 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl4 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl5 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl6 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl7 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl8 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl9 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl10 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl11 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl12 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl13 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl14 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl15 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl16 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl17 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl18 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl19 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl20 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl21 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl22 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl23 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl24 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl25 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl26 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl27 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl28 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl29 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl30 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+       VICVectCntl31 = (unsigned int)0xf;
+** Function name:              ConfigurePLL
+** Descriptions:               Configure the PLL
+** parameters:                 None
+** Returned value:     None
+void ConfigurePLL(void)
+       volatile unsigned long MValue;
+       volatile unsigned long NValue;
+       if (PLLSTAT & (1 << 25))
+       {
+               PLLCON = 1;     /* Enable PLL, disconnected */
+               PLLFEED = 0xaa;
+               PLLFEED = 0x55;
+       }
+       PLLCON = 0;             /* Disable PLL, disconnected */
+       PLLFEED = 0xaa;
+       PLLFEED = 0x55;
+       SCS |= 0x20;            /* Enable main OSC */
+       while (!(SCS & 0x40)) ; /* Wait until main OSC is usable */
+       CLKSRCSEL = 0x1;        /* select main OSC, 12MHz, as the PLL clock 
source */
+       PLLCFG = PLL_MValue | (PLL_NValue << 16);
+       PLLFEED = 0xaa;
+       PLLFEED = 0x55;
+       PLLCON = 1;             /* Enable PLL, disconnected */
+       PLLFEED = 0xaa;
+       PLLFEED = 0x55;
+       CCLKCFG = CCLKDivValue; /* Set clock divider */
+#if USE_USB
+       USBCLKCFG = USBCLKDivValue;     /* usbclk = 288 MHz/6 = 48 MHz */
+#endif /*
+        */
+       while (((PLLSTAT & (1 << 26)) == 0)) ;  /* Check lock bit status */
+       MValue = PLLSTAT & 0x00007FFF;
+       NValue = (PLLSTAT & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
+       while ((MValue != PLL_MValue) && (NValue != PLL_NValue)) ;
+       PLLCON = 3;             /* enable and connect */
+       PLLFEED = 0xaa;
+       PLLFEED = 0x55;
+       while (((PLLSTAT & (1 << 25)) == 0)) ;  /* Check connect bit status */
+** Function name:              ConfigureEMC
+** Descriptions:               Configure EMC for external SDRAM, NAND and NOR 
+** parameters:                 None
+** Returned value:     None
+void ConfigureEMC(void)
+       volatile unsigned int i, dummy = dummy;
+       EMC_CTRL = 0x00000001;
+       PCONP |= 0x00000800;    /* Turn on EMC PCLK */
+       // CS2 & CS3 not used PINSEL4  = 0x50000000;
+       PINSEL5 = 0x05050555;
+       PINSEL6 = 0x55555555;
+       PINSEL8 = 0x55555555;
+       PINSEL9 = 0x50555555;
+       //all registers...
+       EMC_DYN_RP = 2;         //>20ns = 2 clk
+       EMC_DYN_RAS = 3;        //>45ns = 3 clk
+       EMC_DYN_SREX = 7;       //>80-100ns = 6 clk
+       EMC_DYN_APR = 2;        //
+       EMC_DYN_DAL = 5;        //2 clk
+       EMC_DYN_WR = 1;         //2 clk
+       EMC_DYN_RC = 5;         //>65ns = 4 clk
+       EMC_DYN_RFC = 5;        //>80-100ns = 6 clk
+       EMC_DYN_XSR = 7;        //>80-100ns = 6 clk
+       EMC_DYN_RRD = 1;        //>15ns = 1-2 clk
+       EMC_DYN_MRD = 2;        //2 clk
+       EMC_DYN_RD_CFG = 1;     //or 1,2,3
+       //
+       EMC_DYN_RASCAS0 = 0x00000303;
+       //
+       EMC_DYN_CFG0 = 0x00000680;
+       //wait 100mS
+       delayMs(100);
+       //Send command: NOP
+       EMC_DYN_CTRL = 0x00000183;
+       //wait 200mS
+       delayMs(200);
+       //Send command: PRECHARGE-ALL, shortest possible refresh period
+       EMC_DYN_CTRL = 0x00000103;
+       EMC_DYN_RFSH = 0x00000002;
+       //wait 128 ABH clock cycles
+       for (i = 0; i < 0x40; i++)
+               asm volatile (" nop");
+       //Set correct refresh period
+       EMC_DYN_RFSH = 28;
+       //Send command: MODE
+       EMC_DYN_CTRL = 0x00000083;
+       //Set mode register in SDRAM
+       dummy = *((volatile unsigned int *)(SDRAM_BASE_ADDR | (0x33 << 12)));
+       //Send command: NORMAL
+       EMC_DYN_CTRL = 0x00000000;
+       //Enable buffer
+       EMC_DYN_CFG0 |= 0x00080000;
+       //initial system delay
+       delayMs(1);
+       EMC_STA_WAITWEN0 = 0x2;
+       EMC_STA_WAITOEN0 = 0x2;
+       EMC_STA_WAITRD0 = 0x1f;
+       EMC_STA_WAITPAGE0 = 0x1f;
+       EMC_STA_WAITWR0 = 0x1f;
+       EMC_STA_WAITTURN0 = 0xf;
+       EMC_STA_CFG0 = 0x00000081;
+       EMC_STA_WAITWEN1 = 0x2;
+       EMC_STA_WAITOEN1 = 0x2;
+       EMC_STA_WAITRD1 = 0x8;
+       EMC_STA_WAITPAGE1 = 0x1f;
+       EMC_STA_WAITWR1 = 0x8;
+       EMC_STA_WAITTURN1 = 0xf;
+       EMC_STA_CFG1 = 0x00000080;
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *    Initialize system functions and GPIO
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+void lowlevel_init(void)
+   * Remap vectors for RAM execution
+       MEMMAP = 1;
+       /* move vectors to beginning of SRAM */
+       asm volatile ("  mov    r2, #0x40000000         \n"
+                     "  mov    r0, #0x00000000   \n"
+                     "  ldmneia r0!, {r3-r10}  \n"
+                     "  stmneia r2!, {r3-r10} \n"
+                     "  ldmneia r0, {r3-r9}   \n"
+                     "  stmneia r2, {r3-r9}   \n":::
+                     "r0", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7",
+                     "r8", "r9", "r10");
+       /* move vectors to beginning of SRAM */
+       asm volatile ("  mov r2, #0x40000000   \n"
+                     "  mov r0, #0xa1000000   \n"
+                     "  ldmneia r0!, {r3-r10} \n"
+                     "  stmneia r2!, {r3-r10} \n"
+                     "  ldmneia r0, {r3-r9}   \n"
+                     "  stmneia r2, {r3-r9}   \n":::
+                     "r0", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7", "r8", "r9",
+                     "r10");
+       //initialize the exception vector mapping
+       MEMMAP = MEM_MAP;
+#if USE_USB
+       PCONP |= 0x80000000;    /* Turn On USB PCLK */
+       ConfigurePLL();
+       /* Set system timers for each component */
+#if (Fpclk / (Fcclk / 4)) == 1
+       PCLKSEL0 = 0x00000000;  /* PCLK is 1/4 CCLK */
+       PCLKSEL1 = 0x00000000;
+#if (Fpclk / (Fcclk / 4)) == 2
+       PCLKSEL0 = 0xAAAAAAAA;  /* PCLK is 1/2 CCLK */
+       PCLKSEL1 = 0xAAAAAAAA;
+#if (Fpclk / (Fcclk / 4)) == 4
+       PCLKSEL0 = 0x55555555;  /* PCLK is the same as CCLK */
+       PCLKSEL1 = 0x55555555;
+       /* Set memory accelerater module */
+       MAMCR = 0;
+       MAMTIM = 4;
+//  MAMCR  = 2;
+       //Init GPIO
+       GPIOinit();
+       //initialize VIC
+       VICinit();
+       //short delay
+       delayMs(10);
+   * Initialize external memory interface (EMC)
+       ConfigureEMC();
+#endif /*
+        */
diff -upNr u-boot-orig/board/LPC2468/LPC2468.c u-boot/board/LPC2468/LPC2468.c
--- u-boot-orig/board/LPC2468/LPC2468.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ u-boot/board/LPC2468/LPC2468.c      2009-03-18 13:25:15.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2002
+ * Sysgo Real-Time Solutions, GmbH <www.elinos.com>
+ * Marius Groeger <mgroe...@sysgo.de>
+ *
+ * (C) Copyright 2005 Rowel Atienza <ro...@diwalabs.com>
+ * Armadillo board HT1070
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <clps7111.h>
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * Miscelaneous platform dependent initialisations
+ */
+int board_init (void)
+       /* arch number MACH_TYPE_ARMADILLO - not official*/
+       gd->bd->bi_arch_number = 1339;
+       /* location of boot parameters */
+       gd->bd->bi_boot_params = 0xA0000100;
+       return 0;
+int print_cpuinfo(void)
+  printf("CPU:   LPC2468 (ARM7tdmi-s from NXP)\n"
+         "       running at 57.6 MHz (12 MHz crystal)\n");
+  return 0;
+int dram_init (void)
+       gd->bd->bi_dram[0].start = PHYS_SDRAM_1;
+       gd->bd->bi_dram[0].size = PHYS_SDRAM_1_SIZE;
+       return (0);
diff -upNr u-boot-orig/board/LPC2468/Makefile u-boot/board/LPC2468/Makefile
--- u-boot-orig/board/LPC2468/Makefile  1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ u-boot/board/LPC2468/Makefile       2009-03-18 09:30:20.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
+# The LEOX team <t...@leox.org>, http://www.leox.org
+# (C) Copyright 2006
+# Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering, w...@denx.de.
+# LEOX.org is about the development of free hardware and software resources
+#   for system on chip.
+# Description: U-Boot port on the LEOX's ELPT860 CPU board
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+# MA 02111-1307 USA
+include $(TOPDIR)/config.mk
+LIB    = $(obj)lib$(BOARD).a
+COBJS  = $(BOARD).o eth.o nand.o flash.o lowlevel_init.o
+SRCS   := $(SOBJS:.o=.S) $(COBJS:.o=.c)
+OBJS   := $(addprefix $(obj),$(COBJS))
+SOBJS  := $(addprefix $(obj),$(SOBJS))
+$(LIB):        $(obj).depend $(OBJS) $(SOBJS)
+       $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $(OBJS) $(SOBJS)
+# defines $(obj).depend target
+include $(SRCTREE)/rules.mk
+sinclude $(obj).depend
diff -upNr u-boot-orig/board/LPC2468/nand.c u-boot/board/LPC2468/nand.c
--- u-boot-orig/board/LPC2468/nand.c    1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ u-boot/board/LPC2468/nand.c 2009-03-18 13:38:15.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2009 Duran Audio B.V. <www.duran-audio.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * 18-03-2009 Updated for U-boot 2009.3 by Remco Poelstra 
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <nand.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+ * CLE at A20
+ * ALE at A19
+ */
+#define MASK_CLE (1l<<20)
+#define MASK_ALE (1l<<19)
+static void cmd_ctrl(struct mtd_info *mtd, int cmd, unsigned int ctrl)
+       struct nand_chip *this = mtd->priv;
+       ulong IO_ADDR_W = (ulong) this->IO_ADDR_W;
+       if (ctrl & NAND_CTRL_CHANGE) {
+               IO_ADDR_W &= ~(MASK_ALE | MASK_CLE);
+               if (ctrl & NAND_CLE)
+                       IO_ADDR_W |= MASK_CLE;
+               if (ctrl & NAND_ALE)
+                       IO_ADDR_W |= MASK_ALE;
+               this->IO_ADDR_W = (void *)IO_ADDR_W;
+       }
+       if (cmd != NAND_CMD_NONE)
+               writeb(cmd, this->IO_ADDR_W);
+int board_nand_init(struct nand_chip *nand)
+       /* IO_ADDR_R and IO_ADDR_W set by nand-driver using CFG_NAND_BASE */
+       nand->dev_ready = 0;
+       nand->cmd_ctrl = cmd_ctrl;
+       nand->ecc.mode = NAND_ECC_SOFT;
+       nand->chip_delay = 25;  /* us */
+       nand->options = NAND_SAMSUNG_LP_OPTIONS;
+       return 0;
diff -upNr u-boot-orig/board/LPC2468/u-boot.lds u-boot/board/LPC2468/u-boot.lds
--- u-boot-orig/board/LPC2468/u-boot.lds        1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 
+++ u-boot/board/LPC2468/u-boot.lds     2009-03-18 09:30:20.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2000
+ * Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering, w...@denx.de.
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf32-littlearm", "elf32-littlearm", "elf32-littlearm")
+       . = 0x00000000;
+       . = ALIGN(4);
+       .text      :
+       {
+         cpu/arm720t/start.o   (.text)
+         *(.text)
+       }
+       . = ALIGN(4);
+       .rodata : { *(.rodata) }
+       . = ALIGN(4);
+       .data : { *(.data) }
+       . = ALIGN(4);
+       .got : { *(.got) }
+       __u_boot_cmd_start = .;
+       .u_boot_cmd : { *(.u_boot_cmd) }
+       __u_boot_cmd_end = .;
+       . = ALIGN(4);
+       __bss_start = .;
+       .bss : { *(.bss) }
+       _end = .;
diff -upNr u-boot-orig/include/configs/LPC2468.h 
--- u-boot-orig/include/configs/LPC2468.h       1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 
+++ u-boot/include/configs/LPC2468.h    2009-03-18 10:34:25.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2008
+ * Embedded Artists AB, Sweden <www.EmbeddedArtists.com>
+ *
+ * Configuation settings for the LPC2468 OEM Board, 16 bit databus.
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef __CONFIG_H
+#define __CONFIG_H
+#define CONFIG_LPC2468
+ * If we are developing, we might want to start armboot from ram
+ * so we MUST NOT initialize critical regs like mem-timing ...
+ */
+#if 0
+#define CONFIG_INIT_CRITICAL           /* undef for developing */
+ * High Level Configuration Options
+ * (easy to change)
+ */
+#define CONFIG_ARM7            1       /* This is a ARM7 CPU   */
+#define CONFIG_ARM_THUMB       1       /* this is an ARM720TDMI */
+#undef  CONFIG_ARM7_REVD               /* disable ARM720 REV.D Workarounds */
+/* Clock settings */
+/* Crystal frequency */
+#define CONFIG_FOSC 12000000
+ * Fcco = 2*M*Fosc / N
+ *
+ * Fcco = 288000000 -> M = 12, N = 1
+ *
+ * PLLCFG (MSEL) = (M-1)
+ * PLLCFG (NSEL) = (N-1)
+ */
+ * Fcclk = Fcco / CLKDIV
+ * CLKDIV must be an even number
+ *
+ * CCLKCFG = CLKDIV-1 (odd number must be written to register)
+ * CLKDIV = 4 -> Fcclk = 72 MHz (if Fcco = 288 MHz)
+ * CLKDIV = 6 -> Fcclk = 48 MHz (if Fcco = 288 MHz)
+ */
+ * The USB clock must be 48 MHz
+ * Fusb = Fcco / USBCLKDIV
+ */
+ * Periperhal clock divider, i.e. Fpclk = Fcclk / divider
+ * Valid values are 1, 2, or 4
+ */
+#define CONFIG_USE_IRQ                 /* use irq for mci interface */
+ * Size of malloc() pool
+ */
+#define CONFIG_SYS_MALLOC_LEN          (CONFIG_ENV_SIZE + 128*1024)
+#define CONFIG_SYS_GBL_DATA_SIZE       128     /* size in bytes reserved for 
initial data */
+ * Hardware drivers
+ */
+ * select serial console configuration
+ */
+#define CONFIG_SERIAL1         1       /* we use Serial line 1 */
+/* allow to overwrite serial and ethaddr */
+#define CONFIG_BAUDRATE                115200
+#define CONFIG_BOOTP_MASK       
+#include <config_cmd_default.h>
+#define CONFIG_BOOTARGS        "root=/dev/ram initrd=0xa1800000,4000k 
+ * Miscellaneous configurable options
+ */
+#define        CFG_LONGHELP                            /* undef to save memory 
+#define        CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE               256             /* Console I/O 
Buffer Size      */
+#define        CONFIG_SYS_PBSIZE 
(CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE+sizeof(CONFIG_SYS_PROMPT)+16) /* Print Buffer Size */
+#define        CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS              16              /* max number 
of command args   */
+#define CFG_BARGSIZE           CFG_CBSIZE      /* Boot Argument Buffer Size    
+#define CONFIG_SYS_MEMTEST_START       0xA0000000      /* memtest works on     
+#define CONFIG_SYS_MEMTEST_END         0xA1F80000      /* 31.5 MB in DRAM, 
U-boot is relocated after this location     */
+#undef  CFG_CLKS_IN_HZ         /* everything, incl board info, in Hz */
+#define        CONFIG_SYS_LOAD_ADDR            0xA0008000      /* default load 
address for kernel img is here*/
+#define        CONFIG_SYS_HZ                                 200000            
/* decrementer freq in Hz */
+                                               /* valid baudrates */
+#define CONFIG_SYS_BAUDRATE_TABLE      { 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 }
+ * Stack sizes
+ *
+ * The stack sizes are set up in start.S using the settings below
+ */
+#define CONFIG_STACKSIZE       (128*1024)      /* regular stack */
+#define CONFIG_STACKSIZE_IRQ   (8*1024)        /* IRQ stack */
+#define CONFIG_STACKSIZE_FIQ   (8*1024)        /* FIQ stack */
+ * Physical Memory Map
+ */
+#define CONFIG_NR_DRAM_BANKS   1          /* we have 1 bank of DRAM */
+#define PHYS_SDRAM_1             0xA0000000 /* SDRAM Bank #1 */
+#define PHYS_SDRAM_1_SIZE      0x02000000 /* 32 MB SDRAM */
+#define PHYS_FLASH_1             0x80000000 /* Flash Bank #1 */
+#define PHYS_FLASH_SIZE                0x00400000 /* 4 MB */
+#define CFG_FLASH_BASE         PHYS_FLASH_1
+ * FLASH and environment organization
+ */
+#define CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_BANKS     2       /* max number of memory banks   
+#define CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_SECT      1024    /* max number of sectors on one 
chip    */
+/* timeout values are in ticks */
+#define CFG_FLASH_ERASE_TOUT   (2*CFG_HZ) /* Timeout for Flash Erase */
+#define CFG_FLASH_WRITE_TOUT   (2*CFG_HZ) /* Timeout for Flash Write */
+ * Linux tags
+ */
+ * NAND Flash
+ */
+#define NAND_MAX_CHIPS                 1
+#define CONFIG_SYS_NAND_BASE           0x81000000
+ * Default environment settings
+ */
+          "ipaddr=" \
+          "netmask=" \
+          "serverip=" \
+          "ethaddr=00:1a:f1:00:00:00"
+ * Control where environment is stored
+ */
+#define        CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_FLASH  1
+#define CONFIG_ENV_ADDR                (0x0 + 0x7C000) /* Addr of Environment 
Sector   */
+#define CONFIG_ENV_SIZE                0x1000 /* Total Size of Environment 
Sector(4k) */
+/* Monitor Command Prompt */
+#define        CONFIG_SYS_PROMPT               "LPC2468 # "
+#endif /* __CONFIG_H */
diff -upNr u-boot-orig/MAKEALL u-boot/MAKEALL
--- u-boot-orig/MAKEALL 2009-03-18 00:42:12.000000000 +0100
+++ u-boot/MAKEALL      2009-03-18 13:51:02.000000000 +0100
@@ -481,6 +481,7 @@ LIST_ARM7="         \
        impa7           \
        integratorap    \
        lpc2292sodimm   \
+       LPC2468         \
        modnet50        \
        SMN42           \
diff -upNr u-boot-orig/Makefile u-boot/Makefile
--- u-boot-orig/Makefile        2009-03-18 00:42:12.000000000 +0100
+++ u-boot/Makefile     2009-03-18 09:29:58.000000000 +0100
@@ -2899,6 +2899,9 @@ B2_config :       unconfig
  ## ARM720T Systems

+LPC2468_config:                unconfig
+       @$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm720t LPC2468 NULL lpc24xx
  armadillo_config:     unconfig
        @$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm720t armadillo

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