
The following changes since commit 5bedf884a8508f1b2f5b8f74e67d987a81ff05ed:

  ARM: highbank: use wfi macro instead of inline asm (2013-02-03 14:44:02 +0100)

are available in the git repository at:

  git://git.denx.de/u-boot-ti.git master

for you to fetch changes up to 8978f860a64eecfa088c1088bc0c2002ec316362:

  am33xx: Drop gpio0_7_pin_mux from phytec pcm051 (2013-02-07 10:36:26 -0500)

Javier Martinez Canillas (4):
      OMAP3: use a single board file for IGEP devices
      OMAP3: igep00x0: add boot status GPIO LED
      omap4: allow the use of a plain text env file instead boot scripts
      OMAP3: igep00x0: fix a build warning on IGEP boards

Jeff Lance (1):
      Add DDR3 support for AM335x-EVM (Version 1.5A)

Lars Poeschel (3):
      am33xx: add a pulldown macro to pinmux config
      pcm051: Add support for Phytec phyCORE-AM335x
      am335x: display msg when reading MAC from efuse

Tom Rini (1):
      am33xx: Drop gpio0_7_pin_mux from phytec pcm051

hvaib...@ti.com (1):
      AM335X: Set fdt_high for AM335X devices to enable booting with Device Tree

 MAINTAINERS                                        |    3 +
 arch/arm/include/asm/arch-am33xx/ddr_defs.h        |   34 +++
 arch/arm/include/asm/arch-am33xx/mux.h             |    3 +-
 board/isee/igep0020/igep0020.h                     |  151 ----------
 board/isee/igep0030/Makefile                       |   43 ---
 board/isee/igep0030/igep0030.c                     |  117 --------
 board/isee/{igep0020 => igep00x0}/Makefile         |    2 +-
 .../{igep0020/igep0020.c => igep00x0/igep00x0.c}   |   51 +++-
 .../{igep0030/igep0030.h => igep00x0/igep00x0.h}   |   35 ++-
 board/phytec/pcm051/Makefile                       |   46 +++
 board/phytec/pcm051/board.c                        |  266 +++++++++++++++++
 board/phytec/pcm051/board.h                        |   33 +++
 board/phytec/pcm051/mux.c                          |  128 +++++++++
 board/ti/am335x/board.c                            |   43 ++-
 boards.cfg                                         |    9 +-
 include/configs/am335x_evm.h                       |    1 +
 include/configs/igep00x0.h                         |    5 +
 include/configs/omap4_common.h                     |   17 +-
 include/configs/pcm051.h                           |  301 ++++++++++++++++++++
 19 files changed, 946 insertions(+), 342 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 board/isee/igep0020/igep0020.h
 delete mode 100644 board/isee/igep0030/Makefile
 delete mode 100644 board/isee/igep0030/igep0030.c
 rename board/isee/{igep0020 => igep00x0}/Makefile (98%)
 rename board/isee/{igep0020/igep0020.c => igep00x0/igep00x0.c} (86%)
 rename board/isee/{igep0030/igep0030.h => igep00x0/igep00x0.h} (93%)
 create mode 100644 board/phytec/pcm051/Makefile
 create mode 100644 board/phytec/pcm051/board.c
 create mode 100644 board/phytec/pcm051/board.h
 create mode 100644 board/phytec/pcm051/mux.c
 create mode 100644 include/configs/pcm051.h

The only change from last time, aside from what this is based on top of
is that I've turned Lars' Cc into an Ack, as he has acked the change.


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