Hi Andre,

On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 2:42 PM, Andre Renaud <an...@bluewatersys.com> wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> On 17 January 2013 04:17, Simon Glass <s...@chromium.org> wrote:
>> If we do this, rather than re-invent the wheel, does anyone have any
>> suggestions on a very small and simple existing library that we could
>> bring in to do this?
> If what you want is a small graphics/font system then I'd recommend the
> work stb libraries from http://nothings.org. He's got an image loader that
> comes in at around 40k of x86 binary, which supports PNG, JPEG, GIF
> etc... and a .ttf render of around 2,000 lines of code (not sure of the
> compiled size). They're all public domain licensed, well maintained,
> and have no external dependencies.
> They're not the fastest, but they are the smallest that I've seen.
> Whether it's a good idea to load such additional features into U-Boot
> or not, I don't really know.

Thanks for that Andre - I will take a look!


> Regards,
> Andre
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