On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 3:05 AM, Heiko Schocher <h...@denx.de> wrote:
> I suggest to activate CONFIG_SYS_UPDATE_FLASH_SIZE
> Then you get the update_flash_size (int flash_size) function
> called after the cfi driver counted the flash size.

Sascha, didn't you write this?

I see how to add update_flash_size(). But how is update_flash_size()
going to know the size if it doesn't know where the flash starts?
Don't I need this code that manipulate bootcs to determine the
starting address of the flash?

On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 8:45 PM, Jon Smirl <jonsm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm porting support for a Phytec PCM030 (mpc5200) from 1.2 up to
> current head so that I can get it merged.  These boards can be
> populated with a variety of flash chips, there is code to compute the
> size of these chips and fix up bank_base[] in cfi_flash.c In u-boot
> 1.3.4 bank_base[] was rewritten.  What is the correct way to do these
> calculations?
> extern ulong bank_base[CFG_MAX_FLASH_BANKS];
> int board_early_init_r (void)
> {
>        int width, id;
>        ulong mb, dev_size;
>        ulong base = 0xff000000;
>        ulong lpb;
>        lpb = *(vu_long *)MPC5XXX_LPB;
>        *(vu_long *)MPC5XXX_BOOTCS_START = START_REG(base);
>        *(vu_long *)MPC5XXX_BOOTCS_STOP = STOP_REG(base, 16 * 1024 * 1024);
>        /*
>         * we run the PCI bus with 33 1/3 MHz. The flash requires 75ns 
> accesstime.
>         * 2 base waitstates plus one additional waitstate makes the access as 
> fast
>         * as possible (=90ns)
>         */
>        lpb &=  0x0000dfc0; /* make it writable and mask out wait stages */
>        lpb |=  0x0001d000; /* adjust wait stages */
>        *(vu_long *)MPC5XXX_LPB = lpb;
>        /* get flash width */
>        width = (lpb >> 8) & 0x3;
>        switch (width) {
>        case 0: /* 8 bit */
>                *(vu_char *)base = 0x90;
>                id = *(vu_char *)(base + 3);
>                *(vu_char *)base = 0xff;
>                break;
>        case 1: /* 16 bit */
>                *(vu_short *)base = 0x90;
>                id = *(vu_short *)(base + 2) & 0xff;
>                *(vu_short *)base = 0xff;
>                break;
>        case 3: /* 32 bit */
>                *(vu_short *)base = 0x90;
>                id = *(vu_short *)(base + 4) & 0xff;
>                *(vu_short *)base = 0xff;
>                break;
>        }
>        switch (id) {
>        case 0x16:
>                mb = 4;
>                break;
>        case 0x17:
>                mb = 8;
>                break;
>        case 0x18:
>                mb = 16;
>                break;
>        case 0x20:
>                mb = 8;
>                break;
>        case 0x21:
>                mb = 16;
>                break;
>        case 0x22:
>                mb = 32;
>                break;
>        }
>        /* On these boards everything which is 32bit wide consists
>         * of two 16bit Flashes
>         */
>        if (width == 3)
>                mb <<= 1;
>        /*
>         * On this platform one chip select can only handle up to 32MiB.
>         * So we must limit boot cs's baseaddress to 0xfe000000 and above
>         */
>        if (mb > 32)
>                dev_size = 32;
>        else
>                dev_size = mb;
>        *(vu_long *)MPC5XXX_BOOTCS_START = START_REG(0x0u - (dev_size << 20));
>        *(vu_long *)MPC5XXX_BOOTCS_STOP = STOP_REG(0x0u - (dev_size << 20),
> (dev_size << 20));
>        /*
>         * the developer is responsible to setup other chip select lines to
>         * reach other parts of the device if its larger than 32MiB
>         */
>        bank_base[0] = 0x0u - (mb << 20);
>        return 0;
> }
> --
> Jon Smirl
> jonsm...@gmail.com

Jon Smirl
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