All these patches are added a support for read and write instruction
for programming/reading SPI flash.

Read and Write instruction are implemented as a command line
arguments for 'sf write' , 'sf read' and 'sf update' commands.

Currently I have added below instructions those are commonly available
on all flash types.
pp - Page Program (existing one)
qpp - Quad-input Page Program
afr - Array Fast Read (existing one)
asr - Array Slow Read
dofr - Dual Output Fast Read
qofr - Quad Output Fast Read
diofr - Dual IO Fast Read
qiofr - Quad IO Fast Read

I have tested mostly of the instruction on real h/w.

This entire implementation will change the current sf framework little bit but
I thought these changes are worth to add.

Request for all your comment, so-that I can move forward.
Please let me know for any issue regarding this new implementation.


Jagannadha Sutradharudu Teki (12):
  cmd_sf: Add wr_inst argument to 'sf write' command
  cmd_sf: Add rd_inst argument to 'sf read' command
  cmd_sf: Add wr_inst argument to 'sf update' command
  cmd_sf: Add rd_inst argument to 'sf update' command
  cmd_sf: Define a functions for parsing read and write instructions
  cmd_sf: Add QPP(Quad-input Page Program) write instruction support
  cmd_sf: Add ASR(Array Slow Read) read instruction support
  cmd_sf: Add DOFR(Dual Output Fast Read) read instruction support
  cmd_sf: Add QOFR(Quad Output Fast Read) read instruction support
  cmd_sf: Add DIOFR(Dual IO Fast Read) read instruction support
  cmd_sf: Add QIOFR(Quad IO Fast Read) read instruction support
  sf: Pass rd_qeb_req variable as 0 for status and config reg reads

 common/cmd_sf.c                      |  198 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 drivers/mtd/spi/spi_flash.c          |   40 +++++--
 drivers/mtd/spi/spi_flash_internal.h |   10 +-
 include/spi_flash.h                  |   22 ++--
 include/spi_flash_inst.h             |   39 +++++++
 5 files changed, 257 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 include/spi_flash_inst.h

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