On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 10:14 AM, Fabio Estevam <feste...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 9:31 AM, Stefano Babic <sba...@denx.de> wrote:
>> Only to remark that this is the correct behavior. The kernel with fdt is
>> booted independently if this is wanted or not, but if the fdt file is
>> loaded successfully from MMC or network. This can have some drawback
>> effects if, for example, the fdt is simply stored on the TFTP server,
>> but we want to boot a kernel without DT. For example, when someone wants
>> to test both kernels or there are multiple instances of the same board
>> type (mx53loco in this case) loading from the same TFTP server.
>> In your patch, the behavior depends if the fdt is simply present on the
>> media, but this does not always mean that the file must be loaded.
>> Should be not better to set variable as flag to force the desired
>> behavior and to be sure that the system does not boot in a different way
>> as the user thinks ?
>> In other words, something like :
>>         "if boot_fdt; then " \
>>                 "if dhcp ${ftd_addr} ${ftd_file}; then " \
>>                         "bootm ${loadaddr} - ${ftd_addr}; " \
>>                 "else " \
>>                         "echo Error: I cannot boot a DT kernel; \"
>>                 "fi; \"
>>         " else bootm; fi;\0"
> Yes, I think this is a good idea and would allow us to easily switch
> from dt to non-dt kernel during tests.

I like the idea but maybe we could have three states?


It'd imply force fdt and would behave as you said above;


Would ignore the fdt completely


The current code, which try to load fdt and do not fail otherwise.


Otavio Salvador                             O.S. Systems
E-mail: ota...@ossystems.com.br  http://www.ossystems.com.br
Mobile: +55 53 9981-7854              http://projetos.ossystems.com.br
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