         Sorry to reply your email with CC to everyone, because I’m not sure I 
can resolve your problem but maybe guys in mail list can do this easily. Can u 
tell me which ways do u choose to download binary to U-boot, use tftp or serial 
communication( host need install matched driver)? If you choose tftp protocol 
over usb, you need change BULK OUT size (Rx size, not MPS) from 64 to 
1500,because every UDP package from host will not exceed it. If you didn’t want 
to do this, you must check every data from usb and packet into normal UDP .
发件人: arjun rath [mailto:rath.ar...@gmail.com] 
发送时间: 2009年3月10日 12:21
收件人: 龚益斌
主题: Re: 答复: [U-Boot] tftp download with USB vitrual ethnet driver

Thanks for your reply.

Actually m working for smdk2440 development board.In u-boot level,i have to 
develop a virtual console using CDC_ACM to eliminate the use serial 
communication(jtag).Now i am able to see the boot prompt over usb line using 

When m doing a BULK OUT transfer(for downloading binary images) only 47-48 
bytes are being transferred.My BULK OUT endpoint packet size is 64(full speed 
device).If i will send a kernel binary image,its sending one packet and then 
the host is retrying for 4 times and i think then its drops the packet.

Can u tell me any solution regarding this.If u want i can send u the source 
code too.

Waiting for your reply

Thanks & Regards

2009/3/10 龚益斌 <gongyi...@leadcoretech.com>
         Nice to meet u, but what your doubts? 
发件人: arjun rath [mailto:rath.ar...@gmail.com] 
发送时间: 2009年3月9日 19:48
收件人: 龚益斌

主题: Re: [U-Boot] tftp download with USB vitrual ethnet driver

Can u clarify some doubts regarding USB CDC ACM driver in u-boot.I want to use 
for the same quick downloading purpose over usb line instead of serial line.


2009/3/9 龚益斌 <gongyi...@leadcoretech.com>
I’m am new guy from China, and nice to meet all of yours. These days we use 
u-boot in out Linux Project base on our SOC chip, and we found it’s not 
convenient to download kernel image because our board have no ether-net chip, 
only USB and UART. Linux-2.6.21 etc, support USB CDC subnet(Boot Loader 
OBject), so if we write a USB device driver and a  virtual Ethernet card driver 
over it , we can realize TFTP download with USB. Now we have test successfully 
in our project, if necessary I’m very glad to contribute it~

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