On 26/11/12 18:55, Albert ARIBAUD wrote:
+ * Fuse bank 1 row 8 is "reserved for future use" and therefore available for
+ * custormer use. The APF27 board uses this fuse to store the board revision:
+ * 0: initial board revision
+ * 1: first revision - Presence of the second RAM chip on the board is blown in
+ *     fuse bank 1 row 9  bit 0 - No hardware change
+ * N: to be defined

(aside: I am somewhat surprised that something "reserved for future
use" can be considered "available for customer use": reserved areas
are... reserved... thus probably not available -- future revisions of
the *IC* may actually exercize the reservation, causing a conflict
with the *board* assumptions. But hey, that's not a U-boot issue)

This is a reference to the freescale documentation.
It means that customer (here Armadeus) can use it to store

+       char *s;
+       u_char * firmware_buffer = (u_char *)(CONFIG_SYS_LOAD_ADDR + \
+                                             CONFIG_SYS_MONITOR_LEN);
+       size_t size     = 0;
+       size_t offset   = -1;
+       char *autoload = getenv("firmware_autoload");

Is this used?

Yes, this function can be used if it's enable in the u-boot environment.


+       /* Enable D-cache. I-cache is already enabled in start.S */
+       dcache_enable();
+inline void lowlevel_init(void) {}

What's the point of defining lowlevel_init? If you don't do low level
inits, then you can define CONFIG_SKIP_LOWLEVEL_INIT in the board
config header file.

In fact lowlevel_init isn't only the call of a function, this is also
some "low level" init (like cache). I need this low level init, but
I don't need to call a function, so I only define an empty function.



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