Thanks for your response.
Now I have another question, should I implement framebuffer driver for the
display controller? Or Just simply add "SPLASH SCREEN" support according to
instruction of the U-Boot document "README".
Best regards,
> To:
> CC:
> From:
> Subject: Re: [U-Boot] How to implement a starting logo
> Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2009 18:12:21 +0100
> Dear =?gb2312?B?wO7WvrrG?=,
> In message <blu144-w18e695cd5da276c42b0048dc...@phx.gbl> you wrote:
> >
> > I want to display a starting logo on LCD when my board power up, does
> > anyone has done this work on a ARM9 board.
> >
> > The U-Boot version I using is 1.1.1, the processor is AT91RM9200, and the
> > display controller is SAMSUNG S1D13506.
> >
> > Can I implement this if I add "SPLSH SCREEN" support according to the
> > U-Boot document "README".
> Indeed splash screen is the feature to look for - but probably only
> after updating ypur code to a recent version. U-Boot 1.1.1 is
> prehistroic and unsupported.
> Best regards,
> Wolfgang Denk
> --
> DENX Software Engineering GmbH, MD: Wolfgang Denk & Detlev Zundel
> HRB 165235 Munich, Office: Kirchenstr.5, D-82194 Groebenzell, Germany
> Phone: (+49)-8142-66989-10 Fax: (+49)-8142-66989-80 Email:
> At the source of every error which is blamed on the computer you will
> find at least two human errors, including the error of blaming it on
> the computer.
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