Hi all

In porting from U-Boot 1.2  to U-boot 2009 i noticed that the phys on my 
board was not detected and defulted to Generic/Unrecognised; while 
looking through my code for U-boot 1.2 I found a  phy_info struct for 
the Vitesse phys my board has( in drivers/tsec.c). The Same struck does 
not appear in U-boot 2009 (drivers/net/tsec.c) I presume that my 
predecessor defined the struct "phy_info_VSC8211". can I simply copy the 
struct into the nee U-boot code and how can I confirm that the struct 
contains valid settings?

struct phy_info phy_info_VSC8211 = {
    "Vitesse VSC8211",
    (struct phy_cmd[]) { /* config */
        /* Override PHY config settings */
        /* Set up the interface mode */
        /* Configure some basic stuff */
        {MIIM_CONTROL, MIIM_CONTROL_INIT, &mii_cr_init},
    (struct phy_cmd[]) { /* startup */
        /* Read the Status (2x to make sure link is right) */
        {MIIM_STATUS, miim_read, NULL},
        /* Auto-negotiate */
        {MIIM_STATUS, miim_read, &mii_parse_sr},
        /* Read the status */
        {MIIM_CIS8201_AUX_CONSTAT, miim_read, &mii_parse_cis8201},
    (struct phy_cmd[]) { /* shutdown */

When i included the struct as is the my board with the MPC8548 ver1 cpu 
worked correctly but the board with ver2 CPU does not work.
A would appeciate any help

thanks Hendrik
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