Signed-off-by: Sergey Kubushyn <>
diff -purN u-boot-i2c.orig/drivers/i2c/bfin-twi_i2c.c 
--- u-boot-i2c.orig/drivers/i2c/bfin-twi_i2c.c  2009-02-12 10:43:41.000000000 
+++ u-boot-i2c/drivers/i2c/bfin-twi_i2c.c       2009-02-12 10:46:00.000000000 
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Sergey Kubushyn <>
+ *
+ * Changes for multibus/multiadapter I2C support.
+ *
  * i2c.c - driver for Blackfin on-chip TWI/I2C
  * Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Analog Devices Inc.
@@ -44,7 +48,7 @@
 # error do not define CONFIG_TWICLK_KHZ ... use CONFIG_SYS_I2C_SPEED
-#if CONFIG_SYS_I2C_SPEED > 400000
 # error The Blackfin I2C hardware can only operate at 400KHz max
@@ -60,6 +64,10 @@ struct i2c_msg {
        u8 *abuf;               /* addr buffer */
+i2c_adap_t     bfin_twi_i2c_adap;
  * wait_for_completion - manage the actual i2c transfer
  *     @msg: the i2c msg
@@ -205,14 +213,14 @@ static int i2c_transfer(uchar chip, uint
- * i2c_init - initialize the i2c bus
+ * bfin_twi_i2c_init - initialize the i2c bus
  *     @speed: bus speed (in HZ)
  *     @slaveaddr: address of device in slave mode (0 - not slave)
  *     Slave mode isn't actually implemented.  It'll stay that way until
  *     we get a real request for it.
-void i2c_init(int speed, int slaveaddr)
+static void bfin_twi_i2c_init(int speed, int slaveaddr)
        uint8_t prescale = ((get_sclk() / 1024 / 1024 + 5) / 10) & 0x7F;
@@ -235,7 +243,7 @@ void i2c_init(int speed, int slaveaddr)
        debugi("CONTROL:0x%04x CLKDIV:0x%04x",
                bfin_read_TWI_CONTROL(), bfin_read_TWI_CLKDIV());
 # error I2C slave support not tested/supported
        /* If they want us as a slave, do it */
        if (slaveaddr) {
@@ -243,21 +251,13 @@ void i2c_init(int speed, int slaveaddr)
+       if (gd->flags & GD_FLG_RELOC) {
+               bfin_twi_i2c_adap.init_done = 1;
+       }
- * i2c_probe - test if a chip exists at a given i2c address
- *     @chip: i2c chip addr to search for
- *     @return: 0 if found, non-0 if not found
- */
-int i2c_probe(uchar chip)
-       u8 byte;
-       return i2c_read(chip, 0, 0, &byte, 1);
- * i2c_read - read data from an i2c device
+ * bfin_twi_i2c_read - read data from an i2c device
  *     @chip: i2c chip addr
  *     @addr: memory (register) address in the chip
  *     @alen: byte size of address
@@ -265,13 +265,24 @@ int i2c_probe(uchar chip)
  *     @len: how many bytes to read
  *     @return: 0 on success, non-0 on failure
-int i2c_read(uchar chip, uint addr, int alen, uchar *buffer, int len)
+static int bfin_twi_i2c_read(uchar chip, uint addr, int alen, uchar *buffer, 
int len)
        return i2c_transfer(chip, addr, alen, buffer, len, (alen ? I2C_M_COMBO 
: I2C_M_READ));
- * i2c_write - write data to an i2c device
+ * bfin_twi_i2c_probe - test if a chip exists at a given i2c address
+ *     @chip: i2c chip addr to search for
+ *     @return: 0 if found, non-0 if not found
+ */
+static int bfin_twi_i2c_probe(uchar chip)
+       u8 byte;
+       return bfin_twi_i2c_read(chip, 0, 0, &byte, 1);
+ * bfin_twi_i2c_write - write data to an i2c device
  *     @chip: i2c chip addr
  *     @addr: memory (register) address in the chip
  *     @alen: byte size of address
@@ -279,7 +290,30 @@ int i2c_read(uchar chip, uint addr, int 
  *     @len: how many bytes to write
  *     @return: 0 on success, non-0 on failure
-int i2c_write(uchar chip, uint addr, int alen, uchar *buffer, int len)
+static int bfin_twi_i2c_write(uchar chip, uint addr, int alen, uchar *buffer, 
int len)
        return i2c_transfer(chip, addr, alen, buffer, len, 0);
+static unsigned int bfin_twi_i2c_set_bus_speed(unsigned int speed)
+       return(bfin_twi_i2c_adap.speed);
+static unsigned int bfin_twi_i2c_get_bus_speed(void)
+       return(bfin_twi_i2c_adap.speed);
+i2c_adap_t     bfin_twi_i2c_adap = {
+       .init           =       bfin_twi_i2c_init,
+       .probe          =       bfin_twi_i2c_probe,
+       .read           =       bfin_twi_i2c_read,
+       .write          =       bfin_twi_i2c_write,
+       .set_bus_speed  =       bfin_twi_i2c_set_bus_speed,
+       .get_bus_speed  =       bfin_twi_i2c_get_bus_speed,
+       .speed          =       CONFIG_SYS_BFIN_TWI_I2C_SPEED,
+       .slaveaddr      =       CONFIG_SYS_BFIN_TWI_I2C_SLAVE,
+       .init_done      =       0,
+       .name           =       "bfin_twi_i2c"
diff -purN u-boot-i2c.orig/drivers/i2c/fsl_i2c.c 
--- u-boot-i2c.orig/drivers/i2c/fsl_i2c.c       2009-02-12 10:43:41.000000000 
+++ u-boot-i2c/drivers/i2c/fsl_i2c.c    2009-02-12 10:46:00.000000000 -0800
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Sergey Kubushyn <>
+ *
+ * Changes for multibus/multiadapter I2C support.
+ *
  * Copyright 2006 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
@@ -18,8 +22,6 @@
 #include <common.h>
 #include <command.h>
 #include <i2c.h>               /* Functional interface */
@@ -31,24 +33,15 @@
 #define I2C_READ_BIT  1
 #define I2C_WRITE_BIT 0
-/* Initialize the bus pointer to whatever one the SPD EEPROM is on.
- * Default is bus 0.  This is necessary because the DDR initialization
- * runs from ROM, and we can't switch buses because we can't modify
- * the global variables.
- */
-static unsigned int i2c_bus_num __attribute__ ((section (".data"))) = 
+#define FSL_NAME(arg)  "fsl_i2c@" MK_NAME(arg)
+#define MK_NAME(arg)   #arg
-static unsigned int i2c_bus_speed[2] = {CONFIG_SYS_I2C_SPEED, 
 static const struct fsl_i2c *i2c_dev[2] = {
-       (struct fsl_i2c *) (CONFIG_SYS_IMMR + CONFIG_SYS_I2C_OFFSET),
-       (struct fsl_i2c *) (CONFIG_SYS_IMMR + CONFIG_SYS_I2C2_OFFSET)
+       (struct fsl_i2c *) (CONFIG_SYS_IMMR + CONFIG_SYS_FSL_I2C_OFFSET),
+       (struct fsl_i2c *) (CONFIG_SYS_IMMR + CONFIG_SYS_FSL_I2C2_OFFSET)
@@ -126,6 +119,8 @@ static const struct {
+i2c_adap_t     fsl_i2c_adap[];
  * Set the I2C bus speed for a given I2C device
@@ -169,43 +164,32 @@ static unsigned int set_i2c_bus_speed(co
        return speed;
-i2c_init(int speed, int slaveadd)
+static void __i2c_init(int adap_no, int speed, int slaveadd)
        struct fsl_i2c *dev;
        unsigned int temp;
-       dev = (struct fsl_i2c *) (CONFIG_SYS_IMMR + CONFIG_SYS_I2C_OFFSET);
+       dev = i2c_dev[adap_no];
        writeb(0, &dev->cr);                    /* stop I2C controller */
        udelay(5);                              /* let it shutdown in peace */
        temp = set_i2c_bus_speed(dev, gd->i2c1_clk, speed);
-       if (gd->flags & GD_FLG_RELOC)
-               i2c_bus_speed[0] = temp;
-       writeb(slaveadd << 1, &dev->adr);       /* write slave address */
-       writeb(0x0, &dev->sr);                  /* clear status register */
-       writeb(I2C_CR_MEN, &dev->cr);           /* start I2C controller */
-       dev = (struct fsl_i2c *) (CONFIG_SYS_IMMR + CONFIG_SYS_I2C2_OFFSET);
-       writeb(0, &dev->cr);                    /* stop I2C controller */
-       udelay(5);                              /* let it shutdown in peace */
-       temp = set_i2c_bus_speed(dev, gd->i2c2_clk, speed);
-       if (gd->flags & GD_FLG_RELOC)
-               i2c_bus_speed[1] = temp;
+       if (gd->flags & GD_FLG_RELOC) {
+               fsl_i2c_adap[adap_no].speed = temp;
+               fsl_i2c_adap[adap_no].slaveaddr = slaveadd;
+       }
        writeb(slaveadd << 1, &dev->adr);       /* write slave address */
        writeb(0x0, &dev->sr);                  /* clear status register */
        writeb(I2C_CR_MEN, &dev->cr);           /* start I2C controller */
-static __inline__ int
+static __inline__ int i2c_wait4bus(int adap_no)
        unsigned long long timeval = get_ticks();
-       while (readb(&i2c_dev[i2c_bus_num]->sr) & I2C_SR_MBB) {
+       while (readb(&i2c_dev[adap_no]->sr) & I2C_SR_MBB) {
                if ((get_ticks() - timeval) > usec2ticks(I2C_TIMEOUT))
                        return -1;
@@ -213,18 +197,18 @@ i2c_wait4bus(void)
        return 0;
-static __inline__ int
-i2c_wait(int write)
+static __inline__ int i2c_wait(int adap_no, int write)
        u32 csr;
        unsigned long long timeval = get_ticks();
        do {
-               csr = readb(&i2c_dev[i2c_bus_num]->sr);
+               csr = readb(&i2c_dev[adap_no]->sr);
                if (!(csr & I2C_SR_MIF))
-               writeb(0x0, &i2c_dev[i2c_bus_num]->sr);
+               writeb(0x0, &i2c_dev[adap_no]->sr);
                if (csr & I2C_SR_MAL) {
                        debug("i2c_wait: MAL\n");
@@ -248,85 +232,85 @@ i2c_wait(int write)
        return -1;
-static __inline__ int
-i2c_write_addr (u8 dev, u8 dir, int rsta)
+static __inline__ int i2c_write_addr (int adap_no, u8 dev, u8 dir, int rsta)
        writeb(I2C_CR_MEN | I2C_CR_MSTA | I2C_CR_MTX
               | (rsta ? I2C_CR_RSTA : 0),
-              &i2c_dev[i2c_bus_num]->cr);
+              &i2c_dev[adap_no]->cr);
-       writeb((dev << 1) | dir, &i2c_dev[i2c_bus_num]->dr);
+       writeb((dev << 1) | dir, &i2c_dev[adap_no]->dr);
-       if (i2c_wait(I2C_WRITE_BIT) < 0)
+       if (i2c_wait(adap_no, I2C_WRITE_BIT) < 0)
                return 0;
        return 1;
-static __inline__ int
-__i2c_write(u8 *data, int length)
+static __inline__ int i2c_write_data(int adap_no, u8 *data, int length)
        int i;
        writeb(I2C_CR_MEN | I2C_CR_MSTA | I2C_CR_MTX,
-              &i2c_dev[i2c_bus_num]->cr);
+              &i2c_dev[adap_no]->cr);
        for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-               writeb(data[i], &i2c_dev[i2c_bus_num]->dr);
+               writeb(data[i], &i2c_dev[adap_no]->dr);
-               if (i2c_wait(I2C_WRITE_BIT) < 0)
+               if (i2c_wait(adap_no, I2C_WRITE_BIT) < 0)
        return i;
-static __inline__ int
-__i2c_read(u8 *data, int length)
+static __inline__ int i2c_read_data(int adap_no, u8 *data, int length)
        int i;
        writeb(I2C_CR_MEN | I2C_CR_MSTA | ((length == 1) ? I2C_CR_TXAK : 0),
-              &i2c_dev[i2c_bus_num]->cr);
+              &i2c_dev[adap_no]->cr);
        /* dummy read */
-       readb(&i2c_dev[i2c_bus_num]->dr);
+       readb(&i2c_dev[adap_no]->dr);
        for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-               if (i2c_wait(I2C_READ_BIT) < 0)
+               if (i2c_wait(adap_no, I2C_READ_BIT) < 0)
                /* Generate ack on last next to last byte */
                if (i == length - 2)
                        writeb(I2C_CR_MEN | I2C_CR_MSTA | I2C_CR_TXAK,
-                              &i2c_dev[i2c_bus_num]->cr);
+                              &i2c_dev[adap_no]->cr);
                /* Generate stop on last byte */
                if (i == length - 1)
-                       writeb(I2C_CR_MEN | I2C_CR_TXAK, 
+                       writeb(I2C_CR_MEN | I2C_CR_TXAK, &i2c_dev[adap_no]->cr);
-               data[i] = readb(&i2c_dev[i2c_bus_num]->dr);
+               data[i] = readb(&i2c_dev[adap_no]->dr);
        return i;
-i2c_read(u8 dev, uint addr, int alen, u8 *data, int length)
+static int __i2c_read(int adap_no, u8 dev, uint addr, int alen, u8 *data, int 
        int i = -1; /* signal error */
        u8 *a = (u8*)&addr;
-       if (i2c_wait4bus() >= 0
-           && i2c_write_addr(dev, I2C_WRITE_BIT, 0) != 0
-           && __i2c_write(&a[4 - alen], alen) == alen)
+       if (i2c_wait4bus(adap_no) >= 0
+           && i2c_write_addr(adap_no, dev, I2C_WRITE_BIT, 0) != 0
+           && i2c_write_data(adap_no, &a[4 - alen], alen) == alen)
                i = 0; /* No error so far */
        if (length
-           && i2c_write_addr(dev, I2C_READ_BIT, 1) != 0)
-               i = __i2c_read(data, length);
+           && i2c_write_addr(adap_no, dev, I2C_READ_BIT, 1) != 0)
+               i = i2c_read_data(adap_no, data, length);
-       writeb(I2C_CR_MEN, &i2c_dev[i2c_bus_num]->cr);
+       writeb(I2C_CR_MEN, &i2c_dev[adap_no]->cr);
        if (i == length)
            return 0;
@@ -334,19 +318,19 @@ i2c_read(u8 dev, uint addr, int alen, u8
        return -1;
-i2c_write(u8 dev, uint addr, int alen, u8 *data, int length)
+static int __i2c_write(int adap_no, u8 dev, uint addr, int alen, u8 *data, int 
        int i = -1; /* signal error */
        u8 *a = (u8*)&addr;
-       if (i2c_wait4bus() >= 0
-           && i2c_write_addr(dev, I2C_WRITE_BIT, 0) != 0
-           && __i2c_write(&a[4 - alen], alen) == alen) {
-               i = __i2c_write(data, length);
+       if (i2c_wait4bus(adap_no) >= 0
+           && i2c_write_addr(adap_no, dev, I2C_WRITE_BIT, 0) != 0
+           && i2c_write_data(adap_no, &a[4 - alen], alen) == alen) {
+               i = i2c_write_data(adap_no, data, length);
-       writeb(I2C_CR_MEN, &i2c_dev[i2c_bus_num]->cr);
+       writeb(I2C_CR_MEN, &i2c_dev[adap_no]->cr);
        if (i == length)
            return 0;
@@ -354,54 +338,123 @@ i2c_write(u8 dev, uint addr, int alen, u
        return -1;
-i2c_probe(uchar chip)
+static int __i2c_probe(int adap_no, uchar chip)
        /* For unknow reason the controller will ACK when
         * probing for a slave with the same address, so skip
         * it.
-       if (chip == (readb(&i2c_dev[i2c_bus_num]->adr) >> 1))
+       if (chip == (readb(&i2c_dev[adap_no]->adr) >> 1))
                return -1;
-       return i2c_read(chip, 0, 0, NULL, 0);
+       return __i2c_read(adap_no, chip, 0, 0, NULL, 0);
-int i2c_set_bus_num(unsigned int bus)
+static int __i2c_set_bus_speed(int adap_no, unsigned int speed)
-       if (bus > 1) {
-       if (bus > 0) {
-               return -1;
-       }
+       unsigned int i2c_clk = (adap_no == 1) ? gd->i2c2_clk : gd->i2c1_clk;
-       i2c_bus_num = bus;
+       writeb(0, &i2c_dev[adap_no]->cr);               /* stop controller */
+       fsl_i2c_adap[adap_no].speed =
+               set_i2c_bus_speed(i2c_dev[adap_no], i2c_clk, speed);
+       writeb(I2C_CR_MEN, &i2c_dev[adap_no]->cr);      /* start controller */
        return 0;
-int i2c_set_bus_speed(unsigned int speed)
+/* Wrappers for the first controller */
+static void fsl_i2c1_init(int speed, int slaveadd)
+       __i2c_init(0, speed, slaveadd);
+static int fsl_i2c1_read(u8 dev, uint addr, int alen, u8 *data, int length)
-       unsigned int i2c_clk = (i2c_bus_num == 1) ? gd->i2c2_clk : gd->i2c1_clk;
+       return(__i2c_read(0, dev, addr, alen, data, length));
-       writeb(0, &i2c_dev[i2c_bus_num]->cr);           /* stop controller */
-       i2c_bus_speed[i2c_bus_num] =
-               set_i2c_bus_speed(i2c_dev[i2c_bus_num], i2c_clk, speed);
-       writeb(I2C_CR_MEN, &i2c_dev[i2c_bus_num]->cr);  /* start controller */
+static int fsl_i2c1_write(u8 dev, uint addr, int alen, u8 *data, int length)
+       return(__i2c_write(0, dev, addr, alen, data, length));
-       return 0;
+static int fsl_i2c1_probe(uchar chip)
+       return(__i2c_probe(0, chip));
+static unsigned int fsl_i2c1_set_bus_speed(unsigned int speed)
+       return(__i2c_set_bus_speed(0, speed));
-unsigned int i2c_get_bus_num(void)
+static unsigned int fsl_i2c1_get_bus_speed(void)
+       return(fsl_i2c_adap[0].speed);
+/* Second controller */
+static void fsl_i2c2_init(int speed, int slaveadd)
-       return i2c_bus_num;
+       __i2c_init(1, speed, slaveadd);
-unsigned int i2c_get_bus_speed(void)
+static int fsl_i2c2_read(u8 dev, uint addr, int alen, u8 *data, int length)
-       return i2c_bus_speed[i2c_bus_num];
+       return(__i2c_read(1, dev, addr, alen, data, length));
-#endif /* CONFIG_HARD_I2C */
+static int fsl_i2c2_write(u8 dev, uint addr, int alen, u8 *data, int length)
+       return(__i2c_write(1, dev, addr, alen, data, length));
+static int fsl_i2c2_probe(uchar chip)
+       return(__i2c_probe(1, chip));
+static unsigned int fsl_i2c2_set_bus_speed(unsigned int speed)
+       return(__i2c_set_bus_speed(1, speed));
+static unsigned int fsl_i2c2_get_bus_speed(void)
+       return(fsl_i2c_adap[1].speed);
+i2c_adap_t     fsl_i2c_adap[] = {
+       {
+               .init           =       fsl_i2c1_init,
+               .probe          =       fsl_i2c1_probe,
+               .read           =       fsl_i2c1_read,
+               .write          =       fsl_i2c1_write,
+               .set_bus_speed  =       fsl_i2c1_set_bus_speed,
+               .get_bus_speed  =       fsl_i2c1_get_bus_speed,
+               .speed          =       CONFIG_SYS_FSL_I2C_SPEED,
+               .slaveaddr      =       CONFIG_SYS_FSL_I2C_SLAVE,
+               .init_done      =       0,
+               .name           =       FSL_NAME(CONFIG_SYS_FSL_I2C_OFFSET)
+       },
+       {
+               .init           =       fsl_i2c2_init,
+               .probe          =       fsl_i2c2_probe,
+               .read           =       fsl_i2c2_read,
+               .write          =       fsl_i2c2_write,
+               .set_bus_speed  =       fsl_i2c2_set_bus_speed,
+               .get_bus_speed  =       fsl_i2c2_get_bus_speed,
+               .speed          =       CONFIG_SYS_FSL_I2C2_SPEED,
+               .slaveaddr      =       CONFIG_SYS_FSL_I2C2_SLAVE,
+               .init_done      =       0,
+               .name           =       FSL_NAME(CONFIG_SYS_FSL_I2C2_OFFSET)
+       },
diff -purN u-boot-i2c.orig/drivers/i2c/mxc_i2c.c 
--- u-boot-i2c.orig/drivers/i2c/mxc_i2c.c       2009-02-12 10:43:41.000000000 
+++ u-boot-i2c/drivers/i2c/mxc_i2c.c    2009-02-12 10:46:00.000000000 -0800
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
  * i2c driver for Freescale mx31
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Sergey Kubushyn <>
+ *
+ * Changes for multibus/multiadapter I2C support.
+ *
  * (c) 2007 Pengutronix, Sascha Hauer <>
  * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
@@ -24,11 +28,11 @@
 #include <common.h>
-#if defined(CONFIG_HARD_I2C)
 #include <asm/arch/mx31.h>
 #include <asm/arch/mx31-regs.h>
+#include <i2c.h>
 #define IADR   0x00
 #define IFDR   0x04
 #define I2CR   0x08
@@ -47,15 +51,8 @@
 #define I2SR_IIF       (1 << 1)
 #define I2SR_RX_NO_AK  (1 << 0)
-#define I2C_BASE       0x43f80000
-#elif defined (CONFIG_SYS_I2C_MX31_PORT2)
-#define I2C_BASE       0x43f98000
-#elif defined (CONFIG_SYS_I2C_MX31_PORT3)
-#define I2C_BASE       0x43f84000
-#error "define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_MX31_PORTx to use the mx31 I2C driver"
+#define MXC_NAME(arg)  "mxc_i2c@" MK_NAME(arg)
+#define MK_NAME(arg)   #arg
 #ifdef DEBUG
 #define DPRINTF(args...)  printf(args)
@@ -63,11 +60,15 @@
 #define DPRINTF(args...)
+i2c_adap_t     mxc_i2c_adap[];
 static u16 div[] = { 30, 32, 36, 42, 48, 52, 60, 72, 80, 88, 104, 128, 144,
                     160, 192, 240, 288, 320, 384, 480, 576, 640, 768, 960,
                     1152, 1280, 1536, 1920, 2304, 2560, 3072, 3840};
-void i2c_init(int speed, int unused)
+static void _i2c_init(int speed, int unused, ulong base)
        int freq = mx31_get_ipg_clk();
        int i;
@@ -78,125 +79,278 @@ void i2c_init(int speed, int unused)
        DPRINTF("%s: speed: %d\n",__FUNCTION__, speed);
-       __REG16(I2C_BASE + I2CR) = 0; /* Reset module */
-       __REG16(I2C_BASE + IFDR) = i;
-       __REG16(I2C_BASE + I2CR) = I2CR_IEN;
-       __REG16(I2C_BASE + I2SR) = 0;
+       __REG16(base + I2CR) = 0; /* Reset module */
+       __REG16(base + IFDR) = i;
+       __REG16(base + I2CR) = I2CR_IEN;
+       __REG16(base + I2SR) = 0;
-static int wait_busy(void)
+static int wait_busy(ulong base)
        int timeout = 10000;
-       while (!(__REG16(I2C_BASE + I2SR) & I2SR_IIF) && --timeout)
+       while (!(__REG16(base + I2SR) & I2SR_IIF) && --timeout)
-       __REG16(I2C_BASE + I2SR) = 0; /* clear interrupt */
+       __REG16(base + I2SR) = 0; /* clear interrupt */
        return timeout;
-static int tx_byte(u8 byte)
+static int tx_byte(u8 byte, ulong base)
-       __REG16(I2C_BASE + I2DR) = byte;
+       __REG16(base + I2DR) = byte;
-       if (!wait_busy() || __REG16(I2C_BASE + I2SR) & I2SR_RX_NO_AK)
+       if (!wait_busy(base) || __REG16(base + I2SR) & I2SR_RX_NO_AK)
                return -1;
        return 0;
-static int rx_byte(void)
+static int rx_byte(ulong base)
-       if (!wait_busy())
+       if (!wait_busy(base))
                return -1;
-       return __REG16(I2C_BASE + I2DR);
+       return __REG16(base + I2DR);
-int i2c_probe(uchar chip)
+static int _i2c_probe(uchar chip, ulong base)
        int ret;
-       __REG16(I2C_BASE + I2CR) = 0; /* Reset module */
-       __REG16(I2C_BASE + I2CR) = I2CR_IEN;
+       __REG16(base + I2CR) = 0; /* Reset module */
+       __REG16(base + I2CR) = I2CR_IEN;
-       __REG16(I2C_BASE + I2CR) = I2CR_IEN |  I2CR_MSTA | I2CR_MTX;
-       ret = tx_byte(chip << 1);
-       __REG16(I2C_BASE + I2CR) = I2CR_IEN | I2CR_MTX;
+       __REG16(base + I2CR) = I2CR_IEN |  I2CR_MSTA | I2CR_MTX;
+       ret = tx_byte(chip << 1, base);
+       __REG16(base + I2CR) = I2CR_IEN | I2CR_MTX;
        return ret;
-static int i2c_addr(uchar chip, uint addr, int alen)
+static int i2c_addr(uchar chip, uint addr, int alen, ulong base)
-       __REG16(I2C_BASE + I2SR) = 0; /* clear interrupt */
-       __REG16(I2C_BASE + I2CR) = I2CR_IEN |  I2CR_MSTA | I2CR_MTX;
+       __REG16(base + I2SR) = 0; /* clear interrupt */
+       __REG16(base + I2CR) = I2CR_IEN |  I2CR_MSTA | I2CR_MTX;
-       if (tx_byte(chip << 1))
+       if (tx_byte(chip << 1, base))
                return -1;
        while (alen--)
-               if (tx_byte((addr >> (alen * 8)) & 0xff))
+               if (tx_byte((addr >> (alen * 8)) & 0xff, base))
                        return -1;
        return 0;
-int i2c_read(uchar chip, uint addr, int alen, uchar *buf, int len)
+static int _i2c_read(uchar chip, uint addr, int alen, uchar *buf, int len, 
ulong base)
        int timeout = 10000;
        int ret;
        DPRINTF("%s chip: 0x%02x addr: 0x%04x alen: %d len: %d\n",__FUNCTION__, 
chip, addr, alen, len);
-       if (i2c_addr(chip, addr, alen)) {
+       if (i2c_addr(chip, addr, alen, base)) {
                printf("i2c_addr failed\n");
                return -1;
-       __REG16(I2C_BASE + I2CR) = I2CR_IEN |  I2CR_MSTA | I2CR_MTX | I2CR_RSTA;
+       __REG16(base + I2CR) = I2CR_IEN |  I2CR_MSTA | I2CR_MTX | I2CR_RSTA;
-       if (tx_byte(chip << 1 | 1))
+       if (tx_byte(chip << 1 | 1, base))
                return -1;
-       __REG16(I2C_BASE + I2CR) = I2CR_IEN |  I2CR_MSTA | ((len == 1) ? 
I2CR_TX_NO_AK : 0);
+       __REG16(base + I2CR) = I2CR_IEN |  I2CR_MSTA | ((len == 1) ? 
I2CR_TX_NO_AK : 0);
-       ret = __REG16(I2C_BASE + I2DR);
+       ret = __REG16(base + I2DR);
        while (len--) {
-               if ((ret = rx_byte()) < 0)
+               if ((ret = rx_byte(base)) < 0)
                        return -1;
                *buf++ = ret;
                if (len <= 1)
-                       __REG16(I2C_BASE + I2CR) = I2CR_IEN |  I2CR_MSTA | 
+                       __REG16(base + I2CR) = I2CR_IEN |  I2CR_MSTA | 
-       wait_busy();
+       wait_busy(base);
-       __REG16(I2C_BASE + I2CR) = I2CR_IEN;
+       __REG16(base + I2CR) = I2CR_IEN;
-       while (__REG16(I2C_BASE + I2SR) & I2SR_IBB && --timeout)
+       while (__REG16(base + I2SR) & I2SR_IBB && --timeout)
        return 0;
-int i2c_write(uchar chip, uint addr, int alen, uchar *buf, int len)
+static int _i2c_write(uchar chip, uint addr, int alen, uchar *buf, int len, 
ulong base)
        int timeout = 10000;
        DPRINTF("%s chip: 0x%02x addr: 0x%04x alen: %d len: %d\n",__FUNCTION__, 
chip, addr, alen, len);
-       if (i2c_addr(chip, addr, alen))
+       if (i2c_addr(chip, addr, alen, base))
                return -1;
        while (len--)
-               if (tx_byte(*buf++))
+               if (tx_byte(*buf++, base))
                        return -1;
-       __REG16(I2C_BASE + I2CR) = I2CR_IEN;
+       __REG16(base + I2CR) = I2CR_IEN;
-       while (__REG16(I2C_BASE + I2SR) & I2SR_IBB && --timeout)
+       while (__REG16(base + I2SR) & I2SR_IBB && --timeout)
        return 0;
-#endif /* CONFIG_HARD_I2C */
+static void mxc_i2c_init(int speed, int slaveaddr)
+       _i2c_init(speed, slaveaddr, CONFIG_SYS_MXC_I2C_BASE);
+       if (gd->flags & GD_FLG_RELOC) {
+               mxc_i2c_adap[0].init_done = 1;
+               mxc_i2c_adap[0].speed = speed;
+               mxc_i2c_adap[0].slaveaddr = slaveaddr;
+       }
+static int mxc_i2c_read(uchar chip, uint addr, int alen, uchar *buf, int len)
+       return(_i2c_read(chip, addr, alen, buf, len, CONFIG_SYS_MXC_I2C_BASE));
+static int mxc_i2c_write(uchar chip, uint addr, int alen, uchar *buf, int len)
+       return(_i2c_write(chip, addr, alen, buf, len, CONFIG_SYS_MXC_I2C_BASE));
+static int mxc_i2c_probe(uchar chip)
+       return(_i2c_probe(chip, CONFIG_SYS_MXC_I2C_BASE));
+static unsigned int mxc_i2c_set_bus_speed(unsigned int speed)
+       return(mxc_i2c_adap[0].speed);
+static unsigned int mxc_i2c_get_bus_speed(void)
+       return(mxc_i2c_adap[0].speed);
+static void mxc_i2c2_init(int speed, int slaveaddr)
+       _i2c_init(speed, slaveaddr, CONFIG_SYS_MXC_I2C2_BASE);
+       if (gd->flags & GD_FLG_RELOC) {
+               mxc_i2c_adap[1].init_done = 1;
+               mxc_i2c_adap[1].speed = speed;
+               mxc_i2c_adap[1].slaveaddr = slaveaddr;
+       }
+static int mxc_i2c2_read(uchar chip, uint addr, int alen, uchar *buf, int len)
+       return(_i2c_read(chip, addr, alen, buf, len, CONFIG_SYS_MXC_I2C2_BASE));
+static int mxc_i2c2_write(uchar chip, uint addr, int alen, uchar *buf, int len)
+       return(_i2c_write(chip, addr, alen, buf, len, 
+static int mxc_i2c2_probe(uchar chip)
+       return(_i2c_probe(chip, CONFIG_SYS_MXC_I2C2_BASE));
+static unsigned int mxc_i2c2_set_bus_speed(unsigned int speed)
+       return(mxc_i2c_adap[1].speed);
+static unsigned int mxc_i2c2_get_bus_speed(void)
+       return(mxc_i2c_adap[1].speed);
+static void mxc_i2c3_init(int speed, int slaveaddr)
+       _i2c_init(speed, slaveaddr, CONFIG_SYS_MXC_I2C3_BASE);
+       if (gd->flags & GD_FLG_RELOC) {
+               mxc_i2c_adap[2].init_done = 1;
+               mxc_i2c_adap[2].speed = speed;
+               mxc_i2c_adap[2].slaveaddr = slaveaddr;
+       }
+static int mxc_i2c3_read(uchar chip, uint addr, int alen, uchar *buf, int len)
+       return(_i2c_read(chip, addr, alen, buf, len, CONFIG_SYS_MXC_I2C3_BASE));
+static int mxc_i2c3_write(uchar chip, uint addr, int alen, uchar *buf, int len)
+       return(_i2c_write(chip, addr, alen, buf, len, 
+static int mxc_i2c_probe(uchar chip)
+       return(_i2c_probe(chip, CONFIG_SYS_MXC_I2C3_BASE));
+static unsigned int mxc_i2c3_set_bus_speed(unsigned int speed)
+       return(mxc_i2c_adap[2].speed);
+static unsigned int mxc_i2c3_get_bus_speed(void)
+       return(mxc_i2c_adap[2].speed);
+i2c_adap_t     mxc_i2c_adap[] = {
+       {
+               .init           =       mxc_i2c_init,
+               .probe          =       mxc_i2c_probe,
+               .read           =       mxc_i2c_read,
+               .write          =       mxc_i2c_write,
+               .set_bus_speed  =       mxc_i2c_set_bus_speed,
+               .get_bus_speed  =       mxc_i2c_get_bus_speed,
+               .speed          =       CONFIG_SYS_MXC_I2C_SPEED,
+               .slaveaddr      =       CONFIG_SYS_MXC_I2C_SLAVE,
+               .init_done      =       0,
+               .name           =       MXC_NAME(CONFIG_SYS_MXC_I2C_BASE)
+       },
+       {
+               .init           =       mxc_i2c2_init,
+               .probe          =       mxc_i2c2_probe,
+               .read           =       mxc_i2c2_read,
+               .write          =       mxc_i2c2_write,
+               .set_bus_speed  =       mxc_i2c2_set_bus_speed,
+               .get_bus_speed  =       mxc_i2c2_get_bus_speed,
+               .speed          =       CONFIG_SYS_MXC_I2C2_SPEED,
+               .slaveaddr      =       CONFIG_SYS_MXC_I2C2_SLAVE,
+               .init_done      =       0,
+               .name           =       MXC_NAME(CONFIG_SYS_MXC_I2C2_BASE)
+       },
+       {
+               .init           =       mxc_i2c3_init,
+               .probe          =       mxc_i2c3_probe,
+               .read           =       mxc_i2c3_read,
+               .write          =       mxc_i2c3_write,
+               .set_bus_speed  =       mxc_i2c3_set_bus_speed,
+               .get_bus_speed  =       mxc_i2c3_get_bus_speed,
+               .speed          =       CONFIG_SYS_MXC_I2C3_SPEED,
+               .slaveaddr      =       CONFIG_SYS_MXC_I2C3_SLAVE,
+               .init_done      =       0,
+               .name           =       MXC_NAME(CONFIG_SYS_MXC_I2C3_BASE)
+       },
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