Hi Everybody, I am new to board bring up and I have a few queries. We have a custom board with a PPC 460EX processor and a NAND flash. We are using a BDI 3000 JTAG debug interface. My problem is how to load the u-boot onto the NAND flash on the fresh board, since the BDI does not support writing into NAND flash. Also from the mailing lists I understand that it is difficult to execute the u-boot by directly downloading to the RAM and executing it. Please guide me on how to approach this. Thanx in advance.
Thanks & Regards Afzal Nadirshah| Senior Engineer | MindTree Ltd. Phase - I, Global Village West Campus, RVCE post, Mysore Road, Bangalore - 560059 | Voice +91 80 26264100 Extn: 66759 / Fax +91 80 2671 4000 | email: afzal_nadirs...@mindtree.com<mailto:afzal_nadirs...@mindtree.com> |www.mindtree.com<http://www.mindtree.com/> | ________________________________ http://www.mindtree.com/email/disclaimer.html
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