Hi Graeme
>I have the same problem. I am in the process of finalising some other
>common code to make the custom board port more seemless before I dig

>I do, however, feel that a look at the nios code (lib_nios/board.c)
>shed some light on the issue. Specifically the comment in do_go_exec:
>unsigned long do_go_exec (ulong (*entry)(int, char *[]), int argc, char
>       /*
>        * x86 does not use a dedicated register to pass the pointer
>        * to the global_data
>        */
>       argv[-1] = (char *)gd;
>       return entry (argc, argv);

>I think the lib_i386 implementation of do_go_exec() is not right
I carefully read the codes related to the do_go function, and I find
that(u boot 1.1.6):
In do_go() functions:
#if defined(CONFIG_I386)
         * x86 does not use a dedicated register to pass the pointer
         * to the global_data
        argv[0] = (char *)gd;

But in app_startup function:
void app_startup(char **argv)
        unsigned long * cp = &__bss_start;

        /* Zero out BSS */
        while (cp < &_end) {
                *cp++ = 0;

#if defined(CONFIG_I386)
        /* x86 does not have a dedicated register for passing
global_data */
        global_data = (gd_t *)argv[-1];
        jt = global_data->jt;

The gd is not in the same place :see do_go is argv[0], and app_startup
is (gd_t *)argv[-1].

But later I modified the global_data = (gd_t *)argv[-1]; in app_startup
function to global_data = (gd_t *)argv[0], the change still does not
make sense.

Any ideas?  Maybe I should change the argv[0] = (char *)gd; in do_go
function to argv[-1] = (char *)gd;

Lance Zhang
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