>Have a look at u-boot.map - This file is generated by the linker and it
will >tell you exactly where it put everything
>Also, .text section (the one that holds all the code) looks to be very
>0x06011b85 - 0x05fe0000 = 0x31b85 (~200kB)

Graeme, Thank you very much.

I know the root cause, the Ethernet driver use lots of address space. I
ported the driver from a Linux driver (wireless Linux Ethernet driver),
just modified some u-boot incompatible functions. And the codes are very
large. I will remove some codes

But when I remove the Ethernet module, I looked the System.map file and
found that I can only use 6312 bytes space. It will be difficult for me
to reduce the wireless Ethernet driver into 6312bytes. Anyway Thanks for
the explanations.

Lance Zhang
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