In response to my own email:

> I did not see this when I built before submitting my patch.  It seems to build
> fine using ELDK version 4.1.  I just tried building with 4.2 and am
> seeing the errors that you described.  For some reason, the 4.2 build has
> about 48 extra bytes to it, and is once again putting me over the 4K
> bootstrap limit.  I'm going to look into getting the size down, but that's a
> decent number of bytes to try to optimize out.

I've been trying to trim down my nand_spl bootstrap so that it
will be below the 4K limit allowed by the processor.  However
this is proving to be very challenging.  I have noticed that there
is a little over 100 (decimal) bytes that are being unused at the
beginning of the resulting binary (after the HRCW and version
 string).  Would it be possible to move some functions in start.S
(mpc83xx) in front of this (see below) part of the code?


    .globl    _start

This would allow for more board specific nand_spl boot code.
Would something like this be allowed or am I barking up the
wrong tree?

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