On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 01:24:09PM -0700, Ron Madrid wrote:
> 1.  I don't see anywhere that the AL (address length, or number of
> address cycles) can be set to anything other than 2.  It appears to be
> hard coded in both files.

Correct.  AFAICT, setting AL to anything less than 2 is just an
optimization for small flashes.  Linux will make that optimization, but
the way NAND devices are currently probed in u-boot makes that awkward
(no opportunity to run code after size is known, but before

> 2.  nand_boot_fsl_elbc.c uses ECCM = 1 for large page devices, but I
> don't see a place where fsl_elbc_nand.c sets ECCM to 1 for similar
> devices.

That looks like a bug.

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