On Tue, 14 Oct 2008 22:18:31 +0200
Wolfgang Denk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> here is a list of MPC83xx patches which seem to be still pending:
> 8484  10/02 Anton Vorontsov    [U-Boot] [PATCH 1/4] mpc83xx: fix serdes setup 
> for the MPC8378E board
> 8485  10/02 Anton Vorontsov    [U-Boot] [PATCH 2/4] mpc83xx: serdes: add 
> forgotten shifts for rfcks<
> 8486  10/02 Anton Vorontsov    [U-Boot] [PATCH 3/4] mpc83xx: add TSECs' HRCWH 
> masks for MPC837x proc
> 8487  10/02 Anton Vorontsov    [U-Boot] [PATCH 4/4] mpc83xx: add SGMII riser 
> module support for the 

the above four are sitting in u-boot-mpc83xx' next branch (I replied as
such to the 0/4 post).

> 9051  10/14 Selvamuthukumar    [U-Boot] [PATCH] mpc83xx: Fix the wrong 
> comment.<<--- cpu/mpc83xx/cpu
> 9111  10/14 Anton Vorontsov    [U-Boot] [PATCH v2] mpc83xx: add support for 
> switching between USB Ho

these are brand new, I'll put them in mpc83xx' next branch when I
process my queue again.

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