From: Ralph Kondziella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Signed-off-by: Ralph Kondziella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Signed-off-by: Wolfgang Denk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 board/ads5121/ads5121.c      |  103 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 common/cmd_ide.c             |    4 ++
 include/asm-ppc/immap_512x.h |   29 +++++++++++-
 include/configs/ads5121.h    |   52 +++++++++++++++++++++
 include/mpc512x.h            |    1 +
 5 files changed, 188 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/board/ads5121/ads5121.c b/board/ads5121/ads5121.c
index deaa292..1e19f32 100644
--- a/board/ads5121/ads5121.c
+++ b/board/ads5121/ads5121.c
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
 #include <i2c.h>
 /* Clocks in use */
 #define SCCR1_CLOCKS_EN        (CLOCK_SCCR1_CFG_EN |                           
                         CLOCK_SCCR1_LPC_EN |                           \
@@ -38,6 +40,7 @@
                         CLOCK_SCCR1_PSCFIFO_EN |                       \
                         CLOCK_SCCR1_DDR_EN |                           \
                         CLOCK_SCCR1_FEC_EN |                           \
+                        CLOCK_SCCR1_PATA_EN |                          \
                         CLOCK_SCCR1_PCI_EN |                           \
@@ -312,3 +315,104 @@ void ft_board_setup(void *blob, bd_t *bd)
        fdt_fixup_memory(blob, (u64)bd->bi_memstart, (u64)bd->bi_memsize);
 #endif /* defined(CONFIG_OF_LIBFDT) && defined(CONFIG_OF_BOARD_SETUP) */
+#if defined(CONFIG_CMD_IDE) && defined(CONFIG_IDE_RESET)
+void init_ide_reset (void)
+       volatile immap_t *immr = (immap_t *) CFG_IMMR;
+       debug ("init_ide_reset\n");
+       /*
+        * Clear the reset bit to reset the interface
+        * cf. RefMan MPC5121EE: 28.4.1 Resetting the ATA Bus
+        */
+       immr->pata.pata_ata_control = 0;
+       udelay(100);
+       /* Assert the reset bit to enable the interface */
+       immr->pata.pata_ata_control = FSL_ATA_CTRL_ATA_RST_B;
+       udelay(100);
+void ide_set_reset (int idereset)
+       volatile immap_t *immr = (immap_t *) CFG_IMMR;
+       debug ("ide_set_reset(%d)\n", idereset);
+       if (idereset) {
+               immr->pata.pata_ata_control = 0;
+               udelay(100);
+       } else {
+               immr->pata.pata_ata_control = FSL_ATA_CTRL_ATA_RST_B;
+               udelay(100);
+       }
+#define CALC_TIMING(t) (t + period - 1) / period
+int ide_preinit (void)
+       volatile immap_t *immr = (immap_t *) CFG_IMMR;
+       long t;
+       const struct {
+               short t0;
+               short t1;
+               short t2_8;
+               short t2_16;
+               short t2i;
+               short t4;
+               short t9;
+               short tA;
+       } pio_specs = {
+               .t0    = 600,
+               .t1    =  70,
+               .t2_8  = 290,
+               .t2_16 = 165,
+               .t2i   =   0,
+               .t4    =  30,
+               .t9    =  20,
+               .tA    =  50,
+       };
+       union {
+               u32 config;
+               struct {
+                       u8 field1;
+                       u8 field2;
+                       u8 field3;
+                       u8 field4;
+               }bytes;
+       }cfg;
+       debug ("IDE preinit using PATA peripheral at IMMR-ADDR %08x\n",
+               (u32)&immr->pata);
+       /* Set the reset bit to 1 to enable the interface */
+       immr->pata.pata_ata_control = FSL_ATA_CTRL_ATA_RST_B;
+       /* Init timings : we use PIO mode 0 timings */
+       t = 1000000000 / gd->lpc_clk;   /* period in ns */
+       cfg.bytes.field1 = 3;
+       cfg.bytes.field2 = 3;
+       cfg.bytes.field3 = (pio_specs.t1 + t) / t;
+       cfg.bytes.field4 = (pio_specs.t2_8 + t) / t;
+       immr->pata.pata_time1 = cfg.config;
+       cfg.bytes.field1 = (pio_specs.t2_8 + t) / t;
+       cfg.bytes.field2 = (pio_specs.tA + t) / t + 2;
+       cfg.bytes.field3 = 1;
+       cfg.bytes.field4 = (pio_specs.t4 + t) / t;
+       immr->pata.pata_time2 = cfg.config;
+       cfg.config = immr->pata.pata_time3;
+       cfg.bytes.field1 = (pio_specs.t9 + t) / t;
+       immr->pata.pata_time3 = cfg.config;
+       debug ("PATA preinit complete.\n");
+       return 0;
+#endif /* defined(CONFIG_CMD_IDE) && defined(CONFIG_IDE_RESET) */
diff --git a/common/cmd_ide.c b/common/cmd_ide.c
index 2fcaff8..0eb5366 100644
--- a/common/cmd_ide.c
+++ b/common/cmd_ide.c
@@ -45,6 +45,10 @@
 #include <mpc5xxx.h>
+#ifdef CONFIG_MPC512X
+#include <mpc512x.h>
 #include <ide.h>
 #include <ata.h>
diff --git a/include/asm-ppc/immap_512x.h b/include/asm-ppc/immap_512x.h
index cd90945..489dbe4 100644
--- a/include/asm-ppc/immap_512x.h
+++ b/include/asm-ppc/immap_512x.h
@@ -451,7 +451,34 @@ typedef struct lpc512x {
  * PATA
 typedef struct pata512x {
-       u8 fixme[0x100];
+       /* LOCAL Registers */
+       u32 pata_time1;         /* Time register 1: PIO and tx timing parameter 
+       u32 pata_time2;         /* Time register 2: PIO timing parameter */
+       u32 pata_time3;         /* Time register 3: PIO and MDMA timing 
parameter */
+       u32 pata_time4;         /* Time register 4: MDMA and UDMA timing 
parameter */
+       u32 pata_time5;         /* Time register 5: UDMA timing parameter */
+       u32 pata_time6;         /* Time register 6: UDMA timing parameter */
+       u32 pata_fifo_data32;   /* 32bit wide dataport to/from FIFO */
+       u32 pata_fifo_data16;   /* 16bit wide dataport to/from FIFO */
+       u32 pata_fifo_fill;     /* FIFO filling in halfwords (READONLY)*/
+       u32 pata_ata_control;   /* ATA Interface control register */
+       u32 pata_irq_pending;   /* Interrupt pending register (READONLY) */
+       u32 pata_irq_enable;    /* Interrupt enable register */
+       u32 pata_irq_clear;     /* Interrupt clear register (WRITEONLY)*/
+       u32 pata_fifo_alarm;    /* fifo alarm threshold */
+       u32 res1[0x1A];
+       /* DRIVE Registers */
+       u32 pata_drive_data;    /* drive data register*/
+       u32 pata_drive_features;/* drive features register */
+       u32 pata_drive_sectcnt; /* drive sector count register */
+       u32 pata_drive_sectnum; /* drive sector number register */
+       u32 pata_drive_cyllow;  /* drive cylinder low register */
+       u32 pata_drive_cylhigh; /* drive cylinder high register */
+       u32 pata_drive_dev_head;/* drive device head register */
+       u32 pata_drive_command; /* write = drive command, read = drive status 
reg */
+       u32 res2[0x06];
+       u32 pata_drive_alt_stat;/* write = drive control, read = drive alt 
status reg */
+       u32 res3[0x09];
 } pata512x_t;
diff --git a/include/configs/ads5121.h b/include/configs/ads5121.h
index d6f7e02..d9fe795 100644
--- a/include/configs/ads5121.h
+++ b/include/configs/ads5121.h
@@ -348,11 +348,19 @@
+#define CONFIG_CMD_EXT2
 #if defined(CONFIG_PCI)
+#if defined(CONFIG_CMD_IDE)
+#endif /* defined(CONFIG_CMD_IDE) */
  * Watchdog timeout = CFG_WATCHDOG_VALUE * 65536 / IPS clock.
  * For example, when IPS is set to 66MHz and CFG_WATCHDOG_VALUE is set
@@ -489,4 +497,48 @@
 #define OF_TBCLK               (bd->bi_busfreq / 4)
+ * IDE/ATA stuff
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+#undef  CONFIG_IDE_8xx_PCCARD          /* Use IDE with PC Card Adapter */
+#undef CONFIG_IDE_8xx_DIRECT           /* Direct IDE    not supported  */
+#undef CONFIG_IDE_LED                  /* LED   for IDE not supported  */
+#define CONFIG_IDE_RESET               /* reset for IDE supported      */
+#define CFG_IDE_MAXBUS         1       /* max. 1 IDE bus               */
+#define CFG_IDE_MAXDEVICE      2       /* max. 1 drive per IDE bus     */
+#define CFG_ATA_IDE0_OFFSET    0x0000
+#define CFG_ATA_BASE_ADDR      MPC512X_PATA
+/* Offset for data I/O                 RefMan MPC5121EE Table 28-10    */
+#define CFG_ATA_DATA_OFFSET    (0x00A0)
+/* Offset for normal register accesses */
+/* Offset for alternate registers      RefMan MPC5121EE Table 28-23    */
+#define CFG_ATA_ALT_OFFSET     (0x00D8)
+/* Interval between registers  */
+#define CFG_ATA_STRIDE         4
+#define ATA_BASE_ADDR          MPC512X_PATA
+ * Control register bit definitions
+ */
+#define FSL_ATA_CTRL_FIFO_RST_B                0x80000000
+#define FSL_ATA_CTRL_ATA_RST_B         0x40000000
+#define FSL_ATA_CTRL_FIFO_TX_EN                0x20000000
+#define FSL_ATA_CTRL_FIFO_RCV_EN       0x10000000
+#define FSL_ATA_CTRL_DMA_PENDING       0x08000000
+#define FSL_ATA_CTRL_DMA_ULTRA         0x04000000
+#define FSL_ATA_CTRL_DMA_WRITE         0x02000000
+#define FSL_ATA_CTRL_IORDY_EN          0x01000000
 #endif /* __CONFIG_H */
diff --git a/include/mpc512x.h b/include/mpc512x.h
index 1f808ca..3ba70f8 100644
--- a/include/mpc512x.h
+++ b/include/mpc512x.h
@@ -577,6 +577,7 @@ void iopin_initialize(iopin_t *,int);
  /* Register Offset Base */
 #define MPC512X_FEC            (CFG_IMMR + 0x02800)
+#define MPC512X_PATA           (CFG_IMMR + 0x10200)
 /* Number of I2C buses */
 #define I2C_BUS_CNT    3

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