Hello, I am a first time poster so here goes:

u-boot 1.3.1 rc2  (I checked the code in 1.3.4 rc2 and it is still


The problem is that when enumeration is taking place when a bridge is
discovered it goes through pciauto_prescan_setup_bridge() which takes
the current bus_lower value from the region struct and places it in the
bridge pci_memory_base register. The next process is to scan behind the
bridge and then to go through pciauto_postscan_setup_bridge() to figure
out what needs to be put into the pci_memory_limit register.


However, the algorithm for setting the limit register does not take into
account that if nothing is found behind the bridge requiring memory then
bus_lower has not changed, thus when it sets the register to bus_lower -
1 this makes the limit register less than the base register.


I am able to duplicate this rather easily on our ATCA carrier with 8347
processor connected to a PLX 8111 pci2pcie bridge that in turn is
connected to a PLX 8524 PCIe switch that connects to our 4 PCIe x4 AMC
slots. I only populate the first AMC slot with a card that requires 8MB
of space and after u-boot enumeration you cannot display the memory at
the address from the AMC's BAR register. This is because the other
bridge segments have all programmed the limit registers incorrectly. I
put code in that checks to see if anything is behind the bridge with
memory and if not then zero out the base and limit registers otherwise
use the bus_lower - 1 value and  everything works.


So, here are the changes I did here local and am thinking that if this
looks ok, then I will also need to add this to the pre-fetch logic as


void pciauto_postscan_setup_bridge(struct pci_controller *hose,

                      pci_dev_t dev, int sub_bus)


    struct pci_region *pci_mem = hose->pci_mem;

    struct pci_region *pci_prefetch = hose->pci_prefetch;

    struct pci_region *pci_io = hose->pci_io;

    unsigned int bridge_mem_base = 0;


    /* Configure bus number registers */

    pci_hose_write_config_byte(hose, dev, PCI_SUBORDINATE_BUS,

                   sub_bus - hose->first_busno);


    if (pci_mem) {

        /* Round memory allocator to 1MB boundary */

        pciauto_region_align(pci_mem, 0x100000);

+        /* danny, 15aug08

+         * read the the bus_lower value that was placed in the

+         * PCI_MEMORY_BASE register during pciauto_prescan_setup_bridge

+         * and check to see if anything behind it consumed memory

+         */

+        pci_hose_read_config_word(hose, dev, PCI_MEMORY_BASE,



+        if((bridge_mem_base >> 16) == ((pci_mem->bus_lower &
0xfff00000) >> 16)

) {

+            /* danny, 15aug08

+             * since no memory was allocated behind this bridge

+             * then don't try to program the base and limit

+             * otherwise the -1 will make the upper limit value

+             * less than the base causing memory routing problems

+             */

+            pci_hose_write_config_dword(hose, dev, PCI_MEMORY_BASE, 0);

+        } else {

+            /* danny, 15aug08

+             * else set the limit -1 behind the next address

+             * boundry

+             */

+            pci_hose_write_config_word(hose, dev, PCI_MEMORY_LIMIT,

+                    (pci_mem->bus_lower - 1) >> 16);

+        }

+    }


 void pciauto_postscan_setup_bridge(struct pci_controller *hose,

                                           pci_dev_t dev, int sub_bus)


        struct pci_region *pci_mem = hose->pci_mem;

        struct pci_region *pci_prefetch = hose->pci_prefetch;

        struct pci_region *pci_io = hose->pci_io;


        /* Configure bus number registers */

        pci_hose_write_config_byte(hose, dev, PCI_SUBORDINATE_BUS,

                                   sub_bus - hose->first_busno);


        if (pci_mem) {

                /* Round memory allocator to 1MB boundary */

                pciauto_region_align(pci_mem, 0x100000);


-               pci_hose_write_config_word(hose, dev, PCI_MEMORY_LIMIT,

                                        (pci_mem->bus_lower-1) >> 16);



Interphase    - Designed to Perform, Designed to Last (R)
Danny Waldron - Technical Support
Phone         - 214.654.5244

Disc Golf - the wind is my friend...or....every putt is an adventure for
this Texas Chain Ranger!


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