
there is also an english speaking forum / mailinglist / newsgroup via typo3.english. This is only german language.

I checked the sitemap-link and every thing looked fine. All pages show up with their speaking urls in the sitemap.

Did you already fix the problem?


Am 11.01.16 um 12:50 schrieb André Sheydin:
Hello everybody, (Writing in englisch for others to find this topic)

the exension dd_googlesitemap first showed speaking URLs via realURL, some time 
later it shows the IDs instead of the speaking URLs. The configuration has been 
as follows and did not change:

page.config {
        simulateStaticDocuments = 0
        baseURL = http://memedix.de/ <http://memedix.de/>
        tx_realurl_enable = 1

Here is the sitemap: http://memedix.de/?eID=dd_googlesitemap 

TYPO3 7.6.2 + realURL 1.13.5 + dd_googlesitemap 2.0.4

Do anyone has an idea how to fix this? At another webhost with another site the 
same constellation works fine. Could it be something related to the webhost?

Thanks a lot in advance for your advices!

Marcus Schwemer
TYPO3-german mailing list

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