On 15/06/13 19:38, Newsdesigner wrote:

[...] Ich bekomme immer die Fehler:

Sorry, the requested view was not found.
The technical reason is: No template was found. View could not be
resolved for action "user".

Das liegt wahrscheinlich an etwas anderem. Ich erinnere mich an irgendwelche "deprecated" Dateinamen-Konventionen:

(Zitat) "template and layout files in "typo3conf/ext/edtweet/Resources" are all-lowercase. This is deprecated since TYPO3 4.4 (for templates) and since TYPO3 4.6 (for layouts). These files should have an upper-case first character now, e.g. User.html rather then user.html."

Das wuerde zumindest die Fehler unter 6.x erklaeren. Allerdings laeuft edtweet bei mir auch unter 4.7.10.

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