Thanks Jigal for sharing this

We did not know about what was going on in Stuttgart - my hometown - as I
am far away from this place now and I am happy to be far away as it is like
you said disgusting what happened. I hope that the people who stood up

- ALL OF THEM BY THEMSELVES!!! - will be mature enough to say "I am sorry!"

I doubt that this will happen but never give up hope that people in Germany
will learn from their own history. It is not the first time they stood up
and the end was even worse as many know. Same will happen with TYPO3

The King left in 2008 an now his Queen (TemplaVoila) get's killed like
Marie Antoinette. The TYPO3 Inquisition is rediculous.

I am not proud to be a German since long time - one reason why I left
Germany years ago - and I am no more proud to be part of a community with
many people which behave like cowards at

Even more embarrassing is to see the list of sponsors which were the
organisors, a list of people and well known and companies like JuWeiland
and Lightwerk and even a German University if things like this happen!

I hope that everyone is reading also the posts on the TemplaVoila mailing

I commented on it already here

No wonder that main sponsors who brought in a lot of know how, developers
and Millions and Thousands for the improvement in Usability of TYPO3 said
good bye and recommend WordPress now!

Kids usually know how to behave much better as you know. And they are
usually willing to learn from mistakes.
Those people at the conference who stood up cheering did not behave like
honest kids!
Unfortunately many customers don't care about their attitude, i think!


On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 9:46 AM, Gideon So <>wrote:

> Dear Jigal,
>         This sounds like a group of children playing "don't happy to play
> with you' game. It is really shameful. A really childish act.
>         Please be mature enough to say sorry. Not only say it and please
> feel really sorry for your unrespectful deeds.
> Gideon So
> 於 2013年06月10日 星期一 02:16 上午, Jigal van Hemert 提到:
>> Hi,
>> Although I posted to the German list too, this post is in English
>> because I simply lack the language skills to express my feelings in the
>> right words in German (I can read and understand it quite well and can
>> express myself in daily, casual conversations). It would be nice if
>> someone could translate.
>> Tolleiv Nietsch announced in various places that he would stop
>> maintaining the extension TemplaVoilà. Discussion about this decision
>> can take place in the typo3.projects.templavoila list, please. This post
>> is about what happened at the TYPO3 Camp Stuttgart.
>> After the news reached t3cs part of the crowd started cheering. A
>> reaction I can't understand; something shameful, unacceptable,
>> appalling, even disgusting. Next, I can't understand why nobody stood up
>> to tell these people that this is unacceptable and disrespectful
>> behaviour.
>> Someone said that it wasn't about the maintainer, whom most even didn't
>> know, but about the product. This almost makes it worse; is it okay
>> because you don't know the person who spend a lot of time and energy in
>> maintaining an extension that was used by many, that is still used a
>> lot? If you don't like a product you can simply not use it.
>> Today I am ashamed to be part of a community of which a group of members
>> responds in such a manner.
>> To the people who cheered: if you agree that this behaviour is not
>> acceptable, step forward and have the decency to make a sincere apology.
>> If you think that your behaviour was acceptable, I really don't think
>> you should be part of this community.
>> To organisers of events: if this happens during your event, it is in my
>> mind your moral obligation to act against such misbehaviour.
>> I really hope that this was a one-time event and that we don't have to
>> witness this ever again.
> ______________________________**_________________
> TYPO3-german mailing list
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