Hi Kay,
also jetzt langsam glaube ich ich bin zu blöd das richtig zu machen. Ich
habe den Befehl als Cronjob eingestellt, der mitternachts täglich läuft.
Zu Sicherheit habe ich mir eine Email schicken lassen, die auch kam,
wodurch ich mal davon ausgehe, dass die Ausführung lief:
#! /usr/bin/php -q * * This script takes a "cliKey" as first argument
and uses that to look up the path of the script to include in the end. *
See configuration of this feature in
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['GLOBAL']['cliKeys']. * The point is to
have only ONE script dealing with the environment initialization while
the actual processing is all a developer should care for. * */ if
(substr(php_sapi_name(), 0, 3) == 'cgi') { // sanity check: ensure that
we're running in a shell or cronjob (and NOT via HTTP) $checkEnvVars =
'REMOTE_PORT', 'SERVER_PROTOCOL'); foreach ($checkEnvVars as $var) { if
(array_key_exists($var, $_SERVER)) { echo 'SECURITY CHECK FAILED! This
script cannot be used within your browser!' . chr(10); echo 'If you are
sure that we run in a shell or cronjob, please unset' . chr(10); echo
'environment variable ' . $var . ' (usually using \'unset ' . $var .
'\')' . chr(10); echo 'before starting this script.' . chr(10); exit; }
} unset($checkEnvVars); // mimic CLI API in CGI API (you must use the
-C/-no-chdir and the -q/--no-header switches!) ini_set('html_errors',
0); ini_set('implicit_flush', 1); ini_set('max_execution_time', 0); if
(!ini_get('register_argc_argv')) { $argv = $_SERVER['argv']; $argc =
$_SERVER['argc']; } define(STDIN, fopen('php://stdin', 'r'));
define(STDOUT, fopen('php://stdout', 'w')); define(STDERR,
fopen('php://stderr', 'w')); } elseif (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') {
die('Not called from a command line interface (e.g. a shell or
scheduler).' . chr(10)); } // Defining circumstances for CLI mode:
define('TYPO3_cliMode', TRUE); // Get path to this script
$temp_PATH_thisScript = isset($_SERVER['argv'][0]) ? $_SERVER['argv'][0]
: (isset($_ENV['_']) ? $_ENV['_'] : $_SERVER['_']); // Figure out if the
path is relative $relativePath = FALSE; if (stristr(PHP_OS,'win') &&
!stristr(PHP_OS,'darwin')) { // Windows if
(!preg_match('/^([A-Z]:)?\\\/', $temp_PATH_thisScript)) { $relativePath
= TRUE; } } else { // *nix, et al if ($temp_PATH_thisScript{0} != '/') {
$relativePath = TRUE; } } // Resolve path if ($relativePath) {
$workingDirectory = $_SERVER['PWD'] ? $_SERVER['PWD'] : getcwd(); if
($workingDirectory) { $temp_PATH_thisScript =
if (!@is_file($temp_PATH_thisScript)) { die('Relative path found, but an
error occurred while resolving the absolute path: ' .
$temp_PATH_thisScript . chr(10)); } } else { die ('Relative path found,
but resolving absolute path is not supported on this
platform.'.chr(10)); } } // Define absolute path to this script
define('PATH_thisScript',$temp_PATH_thisScript); if
(!isset($_SERVER['argv'][1])) { die ('The first argument must be a valid
key.'.chr(10)); } // First argument is a key that points to the script
configuration define('TYPO3_cliKey', $_SERVER['argv'][1]); // Include
init file: require(dirname(PATH_thisScript).'/init.php'); // Make sure
output is not buffered, // so that command-line output and interaction
can take place t3lib_div::flushOutputBuffers(); if
(defined('TYPO3_cliInclude')) { include(TYPO3_cliInclude); } else {
die('No include file configured for key "'.TYPO3_cliKey.'".'.chr(10)); } ?>
Aber mein Scheduler im Backend erzählt, dass die Ausführung der
Aktualisierung verspätet ist. Muss ich hier die Ausführung anpassen auf
Mitternachts, oder wo trage ich das denn ein? Oder soll der
Scheduler-Cronjob echt alle 15 Minuten laufen, damit er zur richtigen
Zeit am Richtigen Ort ist ???
Arghh, ich hoffe ich kapier es irgendwann mal endlich.
Gruß und danke für Deine Geduld
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