Hmm.. bin noch nicht weiter... aber die Extension müsste das können.
Liegt evtl. ein Bug vor? Der entsprechende Code in der Ext ist:
<-------- snip-------------
* Loads local-language values by looking for a "locallang.php" file in
the plugin class directory ($this->scriptRelPath) and if found includes it.
* Also locallang values set in the TypoScript property
"_LOCAL_LANG" are merged onto the values found in the "locallang.php" file.
* Overrides the base method to load language file from new
directory structure.
* @return void
public function pi_loadLL() {
if (!$this->LOCAL_LANG_loaded) {
$llFile = t3lib_extMgm::extPath($this->extKey)
. 'Resources/Private/Language/locallang_pi1.xml';
// Read the strings in the required
charset (since TYPO3 4.2)
$this->LOCAL_LANG =
t3lib_div::readLLfile($llFile, $this->LLkey,
if ($this->altLLkey) {
t3lib_div::readLLfile($llFile, $this->altLLkey);
$this->LOCAL_LANG =
array_merge(is_array($this->LOCAL_LANG) ? $this->LOCAL_LANG : array(),
// Overlaying labels from TypoScript
(including fictitious language keys for non-system languages!):
if (is_array($this->conf['_LOCAL_LANG.'])) {
foreach ($this->conf['_LOCAL_LANG.'] as
$k => $lA) {
if (is_array($lA)) {
$k = substr($k, 0, -1);
foreach ($lA as $llK =>
$llV) {
(!is_array($llV)) {
$this->LOCAL_LANG[$k][$llK] = $llV;
// For labels coming from the TypoScript (database) the charset is
assumed to be "forceCharset" and if that is not set, assumed to be that
of the individual system languages
$this->LOCAL_LANG_charset[$k][$llK] =
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['forceCharset'] ?
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['forceCharset'] :
$this->LOCAL_LANG_loaded = 1;
------ / snip>
Weiss leider nicht, wo ich noch suchen könnte... :( Aber vielleicht
fällt ja irgend jemandem etwas auf
greetings und danke
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