Danke für den Tipp.
Ich konnte das Problem mit Hilfe des Entwicklers lösen:

.field will not be filled (correctly) for dynamicMarkers
For your kind of request, you should extend the picture marker via typoscript.

# WT_GALLERY secure download link
plugin.tx_wtgallery_pi1 {
        list {
                image {
                        stdWrap.append = COA
                        stdWrap.append {
                                5 = TEXT
                                5.value = <div class="image-download-link">
                                10 = TEXT
                                10 {
                                        value = >> download
                                        typolink.parameter.field = picture
                                        typolink.parameter.makeDownloadLink = 1
                                20 = TEXT
                                20.data = register:filesize
                                20.bytes = 1
                                20.wrap =  &nbsp;(|)

                                30 = TEXT
                                30.value = </div>

LG Thomas

Philipp Gampe schrieb:
Am 06.05.2010, 22:49 Uhr, schrieb Thomas Hirt <i...@thomas-hirt.at>:

plugin.tx_wtgallery_pi1.dynamicTyposcript.downloadlink = COA

mach mal aus dem COA ein COA_INT

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