in the proc,i using superobject do deal with the json format date for return. 

the "class function TSuperObject.ParseString " 's first line break---->" tok := 
TSuperTokenizer.Create; " 

see the stack trace pic above. first call it is ok, but after three or more 
times. it hung.hung all the 80 port.

does every body can received the pic???


From: Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
Date: 2013-04-18 15:03
To: twsocket
Subject: Re: [twsocket] i using the THttpAppSrv in my app
> failed!
> i think there is nothing about wmi. but the ThttpAppsrv's probleam.
> does everyboy can make a simple srv_app to test it.?

So you are now using MagWmiGetInfoEx and still getting the connection
closed?  How many seconds does the connection stay open for the request?
Or does it stay and open and not send a response?    

Exactly what WMI classes are you calling, in which order the name space
and exact names? 

I can test WMI in my THttpAppSrv application, but not until next week. 


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