Marko Paunovic wrote: > procedure TCertificateWindow.sslClientSslHandshakeDone(Sender: > TObject; ErrCode: Word; PeerCert: TX509Base; var Disconnect: Boolean); > begin > Disconnect := FALSE; > end; > > procedure TCertificateWindow.sslClientSslVerifyPeer(Sender: TObject; > var Ok: Integer; Cert: TX509Base); > begin > Certificates.AddCertificate(Cert.GetRawText); > > Ok := 1; > end; > [/code] > > What happens after .GetAsync() is that none of these events get > called. I debugged further, and figured out that > OnSocketError(Sender: TObject); event gets called, but when I check > values of sslClient.CtrlSocket.LastError and > sslClient.CtrlSocket.LastSslError inside that event, they are zero. I > have also tried to call non-async .Get(), but I get same error.
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