François Piette wrote:
> Maybe a new component options would let the developer select the
> behaviour ? Or maybe first try with on option and then automatically
> switch to the other if it fails ?

Think I found the bug in OverbyteIcsDigestAuth.pas, will update SVN
later :

procedure AuthDigestCalcResponse(
    { calculate response }
    MD5UpdateBuffer(Md5Ctx, HA1);
    MD5UpdateBuffer(Md5Ctx, AUTH_DIGEST_DELIM);
    MD5UpdateBuffer(Md5Ctx, Nonce);
    if Qop <> '' then begin // (if auth-int or auth) rfc2617 
        MD5UpdateBuffer(Md5Ctx, AUTH_DIGEST_DELIM);
        MD5UpdateBuffer(Md5Ctx, NonceCount);
        MD5UpdateBuffer(Md5Ctx, AUTH_DIGEST_DELIM);
        MD5UpdateBuffer(Md5Ctx, CNonce);
        MD5UpdateBuffer(Md5Ctx, AUTH_DIGEST_DELIM);
        MD5UpdateBuffer(Md5Ctx, Qop);
      //  MD5UpdateBuffer(Md5Ctx, AUTH_DIGEST_DELIM); // ==> removed
    MD5UpdateBuffer(Md5Ctx, AUTH_DIGEST_DELIM); // <== added
    MD5UpdateBuffer(Md5Ctx, HA2Hex);
    MD5Final(RespHash, Md5Ctx);
    Response := MD5DigestToLowerHexA(RespHash);  { V1.01 }

@Paul: Does that fix the issue?

Also in the curl-7.23.1 source code I found a very interesting note:

/* So IE browsers < v7 cut off the URI part at the query part when they
     evaluate the MD5 and some (IIS?) servers work with them so we may need to
     do the Digest IE-style. Note that the different ways cause different MD5
     sums to get sent.

     Apache servers can be set to do the Digest IE-style automatically using
     the BrowserMatch feature:

     Further details on Digest implementation differences:

Likely we have to add an additional option "DigestAuthIEStyle".

Arno Garrels

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