Busai Péter wrote:
> What do you mean "not nice"? This is the whole point of OOP. :)

Not nice are both custom source code changes and duplicated code.
However in this case I'd vote for a custom change of one line in 
OverbyteIcsHttpAppServer.pas: "THttpAppSrv = class(TSslHttpServer)".
SVN updates won't neither see conflicts nor overwrite this change. 
In order to make it work without SSL set property WSocketServer.SslEnable
to False in your app.. 
If you used source from the IPv6 branch there's new property
MultiListenSockets which makes it possible to serve HTTP and HTTPS
with just one server instance (still beta).

> Actually it is not that simple. I don't want to put TSslHttpAppSrv in
> the original unit of THttpAppSrv because SVN will complain every time
> I do a check-out.
> I tried to put it in a new unit, however it seems THttpAppSrv and
> TUrlHandler are "friends". Code in HttpAppSrv accessing protected
> variables in UrlHandler. So do I have to dup TUrlHandler as well ?

Plenty of duplicated code is IMO more difficult to maintain than just
one single custom line, isn't it?

Arno Garrels

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