I wrote about a similar bug, but got no response from the administration. Try my fix: *.pas file with fix - http://vkmusic.citynov.ru/overbyte/OverbyteIcsHttpProt.pas
---------- Old message: >>Http Cli not decode the gzip data from this url (specific header, does not work FContentCodingHnd.Complete). >>Try example - http://vkmusic.citynov.ru/overbyte/HttpCliBug.dpr >>Fix for bug - http://vkmusic.citynov.ru/overbyte/ContentCoding_fix.patch >> >>Yuriy -- To unsubscribe or change your settings for TWSocket mailing list please goto http://lists.elists.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/twsocket Visit our website at http://www.overbyte.be