Hi all,

I have a very strange problem with ICS.
I try to use ICS v7 (Oct/2010) fresh downloaded from you website (overbyte.be). I install it on Delphi 7.
All is OK when starting.
I have an empty form and drop 2 components on it :
- a Tsslhttpcli
- a TsslContext
I have already included the proper paths for ICS in the Delphi environment so when I build it's all OK and for SSL I use ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll but due to problems of versions I have disabled SSL version checking from "OverbyteIcsSslDefs.inc".

After some builds of the same project, without having changed anything in the project, I get the error that Tsslhttpcli and Tsscontext are "undeclared identifiers", although previously they were fine.
If I close and open Delphi and project again, problem is still the same.

The only way to correct it, is to delete all contents of Delphi/Vc32, copy there fresh files from the downloaded zip from Overbyte's website and rebuild again the "OverbyteIcsD7Run.dpk". Then it starts working fine for some time tries until it stops with the same errors again after some builds.

This happens only with SSL components of ICS, with other components everything is OK. Even when the 2 components I refer to seem to be "undeclared identifiers" if I use another non-SSL component (before rebuilding-that solves temporarily the problem) all other work fine.

Please note that :
- I don't have any other problem with no other components installed
- When I manage to compile project correct, then executable file is fine for always. The problem appears only in the Delphi environment together with ICS, while in build process.

Thank you very much.
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