Frans van Daalen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> thanks for the report.
>>> Sorry to inform you that the problem is still there. Even when not
>>> behind a
>>> proxy the GetAsync will fired the requestdone even when not ready
>>> causing the next call to generate an exception "HTTP component  is
>>> busy" 
>> Are you able to reproduce the issue with OverbyteHttpAsy demo? Is it
>> an URL
>> publicly accessible? If yes, please send me that URL or post it to
>> this list.
>> Maybe the reason is not related to redirection and proxy usage at
>> all? 
> It's an page request that generates a 301 status. HttpAsy is not a
> threaded application, seems there the same url will then not generate
> a problem. HttpThr1 doesn't do a async call so again no problem.

There should be no difference between running the component in the
context of a worker thread or the VCL main thread, provided you did it
all right. If the problem cannot be reproduced with one of the demo 
applications or with a simple, single threaded test application it's 
likely not a ICS-bug.   

> I can send you a few links but then again I do not know if those
> always generate that error. My test does a few thousand calls and
> some generate that error.

Thanks, received. Will try them the next days when I have some time.

Arno Garrels
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