
They want the users to see all the add's and fluf, other third parties
pay them to present, that many dedicated client app's wont show....


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anton S. [] 
> Sent: 21 March 2011 08:49
> To:
> Subject: [twsocket] [OT] Twitter tells third-party devs to 
> stop making Twitter client apps
> Just FYI
> Twitter tells third-party devs to stop making Twitter client apps
> "In a statement issued today by Twitter on its official 
> developer mailing list, the company informed third-party 
> developers that they should no longer attempt to build 
> conventional Twitter client applications. In a move to 
> increase the "consistency" of the user experience, Twitter 
> wants more control over how its service is presented to users 
> in all contexts."
> rd-party-devs-to-stop-making-twitter-client-apps.ars
> --
> Anton
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