AndreasGMail wrote:
> I am writing a DLL that will have two sockets managed by the same
> thread. In the thread's Execute method I am calling the message pump
> from one of the sockets.
> My question: will this message pump also handle the messages of the
> second socket?

Yes it will, however your code doesn't work, you must call ThreadDetach in 
TWSocket's current thread context. Or simply create and destroy the
objects in method Execute.  


Arno Garrels

> For reference (and so others can check for errors), here is the
> thread's constructor, destructor and Execute method:
> //
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> constructor TTicketThrd.Create(IP: AnsiString; Handle: THandle; ID:
> integer);
> begin
>     myIP := IP;
>     fHandle := Handle;
>     fID := ID;
>     TcpSocket := TWSocket.Create(Nil);
>     with TcpSocket do
>         OnDataAvailable = TcpDataAvailable;
>         OnSessionClosed = TcpDisconnected;
>         OnSessionConnected = TcpConnected;
>     end;
>     UdpSocket := TWSocket.Create(Nil);
>     UdpSocket.OnDataAvailable := UdpDataAvailable;
>     FreeOnTerminate := TRUE;
>     inherited Create(false);
> end;
> destructor TTicketThrd.Destroy;
> begin
>     FreeAndNil(TcpSocket);
>     FreeAndNil(UdpSocket);
> end;
> procedure TTicketThrd.Execute;
> begin
>     with TcpSocket do
>     begin
>         ThreadDetach();
>         MultiThreaded := true;
>         ThreadAttach();
>     end;
>     with UdpSocket do
>     begin
>         ThreadDetach();
>         MultiThreaded := true;
>         ThreadAttach();
>     end;
>     Sleep(0);
>     TcpSocket.MessageLoop();
>     Sleep(0);
>     UdpSocket.ThreadDetach;
>     TcpSocket.ThreadDetach;
> end;
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