
 I am using TCP
My Network Bandwidth is 2 MegaBITS per second (Mbps)

  it is  Ethernet

On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 1:39 PM, Francois PIETTE

>     I am using ICS ver5 for communication as server and client (TWSocket),
>> But there is delay in data send by the server to the client .
>>   I am sending the data frequently about 1000 bytes at a time . but I am
>> not getting at client site at that time but there is delay of 2 -
>>  5 seconds on network .
>>  when I sent  50 to 200 bytes at a time I am getting it at right time with
>> delay of 10 -100  miliseconds
>>  At present I have only one client connected to the server . And I set
>> wSocket->BufSize =  30000;
> Are you using TCP or UDP ? If you use TCP, do not change BufSize.
> How can I solve this problem . I have network bandwidth of 2MB/s.
> MB/s = MegaBytes per second. Or is this MegaBITS per second (Mbps) ?
> What is the physical support ? Is it Ethernet ?
> If it is not Ethernet, and you use TCP, it may help to REDUCE BufSize to
> the actual MTU (Maximum Transfer Unit) of the physical network, this will
> help winsock sending packet of that size which is always better.
> If you use UDP and you are sending large datagrams, those datagrams are
> split into smaller packets by the IP stack (not ICS) at the sender side and
> then reassembled into the original datagram size at the receiver side. It is
> usually not a good idea to send an UDP datagram larger than the MTU size so
> that datagrams are not split into many packets. Chances to have a bad
> datagram is much higher when it is split into packets. UDP is by definition
> an unreliable protocol. You have to add reliability at the application
> level. Read this http://wiki.overbyte.be/wiki/index.php/FAQ.Difference.
> What is the ping time ?
> What is the error rate on the network ? Use command line "netstat -e" to
> find out. TCP has automtatic retries so that it transparently offer a
> reliable transport, but with a high error rate, this may becomes slow
> because of retries.
> Also if you have a netwrok with different speeds, for example the network
> card in your PC is Gigabit Ethernet or FastEthernet and there is somewhere a
> slow serial link, then depending on the actual hardware, network may become
> very slow because of packet drop because of different speed and lack of
> buffer. TCP has a "window size" to accomodate this behaviour, but if window
> size is larger than buffering in the slowest part of the network, then
> performance are going to be very low because packets are dropped and need to
> be retransmitted.
> Please explain your physical network so that I better understand your
> environment.
> --
> francois.pie...@overbyte.be
> The author of the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
> The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)
> http://www.overbyte.be
> --
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