Related to thread: "Strange ICS application issue (MadExcept report)"
{code} program SslContextFreeNotificationTest; { Test case thread-safe TSslContext.FreeNotification and TSslContext.RemoveFreeNotification. Requires at least ICSv7 SVN revision #642 (December 07, 2010). See comments in source code below. } {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$IFNDEF USE_SSL} {$MESSAGE ERROR 'Define "USE_SSL" in the project options!'} {$ENDIF} uses SysUtils, Classes, OverbyteIcsWSocket; {$IF WSocketVersion < 754} {$MESSAGE ERROR 'This test requires at least ICSv7 SVN revision #642'} {$IFEND} type TTestThread = class(TThread) protected procedure Execute; override; end; var SharedSslContext : TSslContext; { TTestThread } procedure TTestThread.Execute; var I, J: Integer; SslWSockets: array [0..19] of TSslWSocket; begin inherited; for I := 1 to 200 do begin FillChar(SslWSockets, SizeOf(SslWSockets), 0); try for J := Low(SslWSockets) to High(SslWSockets) do begin SslWSockets[J] := TSslWSocket.Create(nil); SslWSockets[J].SslContext := SharedSslContext; end; finally for J := Low(SslWSockets) to High(SslWSockets) do SslWSockets[J].Free; end; end; end; var I: Integer; Threads: array [0..19] of TTestThread; begin try FillChar(Threads, SizeOf(Threads), 0); SharedSslContext := nil; try { Provided that the shared SslContext will NEVER be freed while SslWSockets in a different thread context hold a reference to it FreeNotification and RemoveFreeNotification of TSslContext should work across multiple threads safely. } SharedSslContext := TSslContext.Create(nil); for I := Low(Threads) to High(Threads) do Threads[I] := TTestThread.Create(False); WriteLn('Waiting for threads to finish, this may take some seconds..'); finally for I := Low(Threads) to High(Threads) do Threads[I].Free; { Make sure that the shared SslContext is only ever freed after all threads are finished. } SharedSslContext.Free; end; except on E: Exception do Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); end; end. {code} -- To unsubscribe or change your settings for TWSocket mailing list please goto Visit our website at