Arne Fl. Jensen wrote: > And both fail, with the same error in clientConnect and > clientDisConnect, and postmessage. > > In your examples, there is no postMessage or postthreadMessage. > Are there any examples of this, in a formless app.?
Now there is one: {code} program Project1; { This demo shows how to register and use custom messages posted to } { the ICSv7 hidden window. } {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$DEFINE NOFORMS} // Do not include unit Forms.pas uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, OverbyteIcsWndControl, OverbyteIcsHttpSrv; type TMyHttpServer = class(THttpServer) private FMsg_WM_MYMESSAGE: UINT; FOnMyMessage: TNotifyEvent; protected procedure AllocateMsgHandlers; override; procedure FreeMsgHandlers; override; function MsgHandlersCount: Integer; override; procedure WndProc(var MsgRec: TMessage); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; procedure PostMyMessage; property OnMyMessage: TNotifyEvent read FOnMyMessage write FOnMyMessage; end; TApp = class private FMyHttpServer : TMyHttpServer; procedure MyHttpServerMyMessage(Sender: TObject); public procedure Run; end; constructor TMyHttpServer.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; { Make sure the internal window is created early otherwise our } { overridden message registration methods were called too late. } AllocateHWnd; end; function TMyHttpServer.MsgHandlersCount : Integer; begin Result := 1 + inherited MsgHandlersCount; end; procedure TMyHttpServer.AllocateMsgHandlers; begin inherited AllocateMsgHandlers; FMsg_WM_MYMESSAGE := FWndHandler.AllocateMsgHandler(Self); end; procedure TMyHttpServer.FreeMsgHandlers; begin if Assigned(FWndHandler) then FWndHandler.UnregisterMessage(FMsg_WM_MYMESSAGE); inherited FreeMsgHandlers; end; { Message handler } procedure TMyHttpServer.WndProc(var MsgRec: TMessage); begin with MsgRec do begin if Msg = FMsg_WM_MYMESSAGE then begin try if Assigned(FOnMyMessage) then FOnMyMessage(Self); except on E: Exception do HandleBackGroundException(E); end; end else inherited WndProc(MsgRec); end; end; procedure TMyHttpServer.PostMyMessage; begin PostMessage(Handle, FMsg_WM_MYMESSAGE, 0, 0); end; { TApp } procedure TApp.MyHttpServerMyMessage(Sender: TObject); begin WriteLn('My message received'); { In current ICSv7 call method PostQuitMessage to break the message loop } FMyHttpServer.PostQuitMessage; { In older versions you have to post message WM_QUIT yourself } //PostMessage(FMyHttpServer.Handle, WM_QUIT, 0, 0); end; procedure TApp.Run; begin FMyHttpServer := TMyHttpServer.Create(nil); try FMyHttpServer.OnMyMessage := MyHttpServerMyMessage; FMyHttpServer.PostMyMessage; { Start the built-in message pump } FMyHttpServer.MessageLoop; finally FMyHttpServer.Free; end; end; var App: TApp; begin try App := TApp.Create; try App.Run; finally App.Free; end; WriteLn('Press Enter to exit'); ReadLn; except on E: Exception do begin WriteLn(E.ClassName + ' ' + E.Message); WriteLn('Press Enter to exit'); ReadLn; end; end; end. {code} -- Arno Garrels -- To unsubscribe or change your settings for TWSocket mailing list please goto Visit our website at