On 10-09-2010 16:43, Arno Garrels wrote:
Another thing that would be useful, if added to the code base of the
> THttpConnection, is the possibility to send additional headers from
> the THttpConnection.SendDocument, to define cache control, etc..
> procedure THttpConnection.SendDocument(SendType : THttpSendType; const
> aHeader:string='');
> ...
> if FLastModified<> 0 then
> Header := Header + 'Last-Modified: ' +
> RFC1123_Date(FLastModified) + ' GMT' + #13#10;
> if ContEncoderHdr<> '' then
> Header := Header + ContEncoderHdr; { V7.20 }
> if aHeader> '' then
> Header := Header + aHeader
> Header := Header + GetKeepAliveHdrLines + #13#10;
> ...
Useful as well, probably the parameter should be named "CustomHeaders",
it's a bit confusing since one has to know which headers are added
by the method.
To complement this, a global PersistentHeader property, to provide a
mean to specify header items that should be sent in every response, can
be useful too.
Another useful change. How about setting the NameValueSeparator of the
FRequestHeader stringlist to ':' ?
constructor THttpConnection.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
FRequestHeader := TStringList.Create;
FRequestHeader.NameValueSeparator:= ':';
This way it's easy to check the value of any of the received headers by
only typing trim(RequestHeader.values[e.g. 'Origin',...])
Yes, I can do it at any time from my code, but won't hurt if done
internally. The default '=' NameValueSeparator is there already, so why
not use the correct one?
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