Hi Arno

Thanks for the quick reply.

Setting the Clients SslContext obj property SslVerifyPeer = true yields
an errCode = 1 in the Clients HandshakeDone event (not a winsock error)

I tried setting up the clients SslContext::SslPrivKeyFile to the "C:\
... \ClientKey.pem" file created by the IcsSslBuildCerts.bat file and
retried, got ErrCode = 1 still.

I also tried setting up SslContext::SslCertFile on the client to "C:\
... \ClientCert.pem" created by IcsSslBuildCerts.bat, but still ErrCode
= 1.

I should note that the passphrase was set up correctly to "password",
failing to do so gave me an exception.

Any idea what might be causing this errCode = 1 ?

Below are some snippets from the initializing code and the DFM files:

All cert files are located in my
""C:\\cvswork\\prereq\\ics\\Delphi\\SslInternet\\SslCerts\\" folder.

Server init code:
SslWSocketServer1->SslContext = this->SslContext1;
SslWSocketServer1->OnClientConnect = SslWSocketServer1ClientConnect;
SslWSocketServer1->SslMode = sslModeServer;
SslWSocketServer1->Proto          = "tcp";
SslWSocketServer1->Addr           = ""; // Use any interface
SslWSocketServer1->Port           = "443";
SslWSocketServer1->SslEnable      = true;
SslContext1->SslCertFile          =
SslContext1->SslPassPhrase        = "password";
SslContext1->SslPrivKeyFile       =
SslContext1->SslCAFile            =
SslContext1->SslCAPath            = "";
SslContext1->SslVerifyPeer        = true;
SslWSocketServer1->ClientClass    = __classid(TTcpSrvClient); // Use our

Server DFM:
object SslWSocketServer1: TSslWSocketServer
    LineMode = False
    LineLimit = 65536
    LineEnd = #13#10
    LineEcho = False
    LineEdit = False
    Addr = ''
    Port = '443'
    Proto = 'tcp'
    LocalAddr = ''
    LocalPort = '0'
    MultiThreaded = False
    MultiCast = False
    MultiCastIpTTL = 1
    FlushTimeout = 60
    SendFlags = wsSendNormal
    LingerOnOff = wsLingerOn
    LingerTimeout = 0
    KeepAliveOnOff = wsKeepAliveOff
    KeepAliveTime = 0
    KeepAliveInterval = 0
    SocksLevel = '5'
    SocksAuthentication = socksNoAuthentication
    LastError = 0
    ReuseAddr = False
    ComponentOptions = []
    ListenBacklog = 5
    ReqVerLow = 1
    ReqVerHigh = 1
    Banner = 'Welcome to OverByte ICS TcpSrv'
    BannerTooBusy = 'Sorry, too many clients'
    MaxClients = 0
    SslEnable = True
    Left = 352
    Top = 240
  object SslContext1: TSslContext
    SslVerifyPeer = False
    SslVerifyDepth = 9
    SslOptions = []
    SslVerifyPeerModes = [SslVerifyMode_PEER]
    SslSessionCacheModes = [sslSESS_CACHE_SERVER]
    SslCipherList = 'ALL:!ADH:RC4+RSA:+SSLv2:@STRENGTH'
    SslVersionMethod = sslV23_SERVER
    SslSessionTimeout = 0
    SslSessionCacheSize = 20480
    SslDefaultSessionIDContext = 'dfhgdfg'
    Left = 384
    Top = 240

Client init code:
Sock->SslContext = this->SslContext1;
Sock->SslEnable = false;
Sock->SslMode = sslModeClient;
Sock->OnDataAvailable = SockDataAvailable;
Sock->OnSessionClosed = SockSessionClosed;
Sock->OnSessionConnected = SockSessionConnected;
Sock->OnSslHandshakeDone = SockSslHandshakeDone;
Sock->OnSslCliCertRequest = SockSslCliCertRequest;

SslContext1->SslVerifyPeer = true;
SslContext1->SslCertFile =
SslContext1->SslPrivKeyFile =
SslContext1->SslPassPhrase = "password";

Sock->Addr = "";
Sock->Port = "443";
Sock->SslEnable = false;

//Client Connect event
void __fastcall TForm2::SockSessionConnected(TObject* Sender, Word
        if( ErrCode == 0 )
                Sock->SslEnable = True;
                Button1->Enabled = false;
                Button2->Enabled = true;

// Client Handshake done event
void __fastcall TForm2::SockSslHandshakeDone(TObject* Sender, Word
ErrCode, TX509Base* PeerCert, bool& Disconnect)
        // ErrCode resolves to 1 ... should be 0 if successfull

        Memo1->Lines->Add( "SockSslHandshakeDone, ErrCode = " +
IntToStr(ErrCode) + ", Desc = " + WSocketErrorDesc(ErrCode)  );

        // All data members read contain NULL or other default values.
        AnsiString s = PeerCert->GetRawText();


        Button3->Enabled = true;

Client DFM
object Sock: TSslWSocket
    LineMode = False
    LineLimit = 65536
    LineEnd = #13#10
    LineEcho = False
    LineEdit = False
    Port = '443'
    Proto = 'tcp'
    LocalAddr = ''
    LocalPort = '0'
    MultiThreaded = False
    MultiCast = False
    MultiCastIpTTL = 1
    FlushTimeout = 60
    SendFlags = wsSendNormal
    LingerOnOff = wsLingerOn
    LingerTimeout = 0
    KeepAliveOnOff = wsKeepAliveOff
    KeepAliveTime = 0
    KeepAliveInterval = 0
    SocksLevel = '5'
    SocksAuthentication = socksNoAuthentication
    LastError = 0
    ReuseAddr = False
    ComponentOptions = []
    ListenBacklog = 5
    ReqVerLow = 1
    ReqVerHigh = 1
    SslEnable = False
    SslMode = sslModeClient
    Left = 24
    Top = 24
  object SslContext1: TSslContext
    SslVerifyPeer = False
    SslVerifyDepth = 9
    SslOptions = []
    SslVerifyPeerModes = [SslVerifyMode_PEER]
    SslSessionCacheModes = []
    SslCipherList = 'ALL:!ADH:RC4+RSA:+SSLv2:@STRENGTH'
    SslVersionMethod = sslV23
    SslSessionTimeout = 0
    SslSessionCacheSize = 20480
    Left = 56
    Top = 24

Best regards

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