>When Unicode Delphi came out the goal was to port ICS with minimum >changes, I guess the same was true when Delphi .Net came out. No argues, but sometimes the things done in hurry should be polished, shouldn't they?
About .Net: I see that it's in eraly development stage, so let it go as you wish, it's all the same to me as I don't use .Net. >It's not a mistake but simply backwards compatible. >I did not find anything in RFC of how to handle >non-ASCII chars with socks authentication, did you? I've read http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1929.html, but hadn't found anything about codepage, maybe it depends on implementation, whether server allows Unicode login or not. And now few more remarks: 1) in IcsWSocket if (_LowerCase(FProtoStr) <> 'tcp') and (_Trim(FProtoStr) <> '6') then begin RaiseException('TCP is the only protocol supported thru socks server'); { V5.26 } Exit; end; a) looks quite weird, as it likely to throw exception in every case (FProtoStr can't be equal to 'tcp' and '6' at the same time) b) UDP through Socks5 is possible through UDP ASSOCIATE command instead of CONNECT, as well as listening is available through BIND command 2) begin FBufHandler.Free; FBufHandler := nil; end; => FreeAndNil ? Much shorter 3) TriggerError { Should be modified to pass Msg ! } it really should be :) -- Anton -- To unsubscribe or change your settings for TWSocket mailing list please goto http://lists.elists.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/twsocket Visit our website at http://www.overbyte.be