So maybe somewhere in the code a wrong codepage is passed this this Win32
API call.
That won't raise an exception unless some wrapper function throwed one.
I sorted the problem out and it was not ICS (as what we agreed on already).
I use a save file dialog and allow the user to choose what encoding to use.
For that I use an example from the CodeGear help files.
Encodings->AddObject("ANSI", TEncoding::Default); // Default is ANSI
Encodings->AddObject("ASCII", TEncoding::ASCII);
Encodings->AddObject("UNICODE", TEncoding::Unicode);
Encodings->AddObject("UTF8", TEncoding::UTF8);
Encodings->AddObject("UTF7", TEncoding::UTF7);
// ...
int EncodingIndex = SaveDialog->EncodingIndex;
TEncoding* Encoding =
Edit->Lines->SaveToFile(FileName, Encoding) ;
I had NO idea that default ASCII (20127) may not be available on a user's
Two people who reported the problem did not have it checked by default in
the regional settings.
As a result using "TEncoding::ASCII" VCL throws an exception.
I now do the following:
try {
Encodings->AddObject("ANSI", TEncoding::Default); // Default is ANSI
catch(...) {}
try {
Encodings->AddObject("ASCII", TEncoding::ASCII);
catch(...) {}
try {
Encodings->AddObject("UNICODE", TEncoding::Unicode);
catch(...) {}
try {
Encodings->AddObject("UTF8", TEncoding::UTF8);
catch(...) {}
try {
Encodings->AddObject("UTF7", TEncoding::UTF7);
catch(...) {}
And ASCII is nicely skipped when not available.
I had NO idea that ASCII in fact could be disabled in the regional settings
or that a default installation would not enable it.
For safety I obviously do the same to all the other code pages as well
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